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Another update! :D Keep voting and commenting! I like your feedback! They make me happy and it kept me motivated to write more! :) Also thank you for voting and commenting! You guys are the most awesome people ever!!! Anyways here you go another update! :)


"Where the hell am I?" Thalia groaned as she tried to sit up from what appears to be a soft but at the same time, hard bed underneath her.

Her eyes were still adjusting to the brightness of the area and for the moment, that is what all she can see - light and blurry stuff. She tried to rub her eyes but she still maintained the same vision. Fortunately, she had managed to sit up and steadily keep herself at that state.

"Stop rubbing them, you will not clear your vision that way. Here I'll pour water in it," A voice spoke to her, she can't see him but at that point, she didn't even reject the stranger's help. Thalia assumed it was a guy based on how deep his voice sounded in her ears.

Thalia heard the stranger tell her to open her eyes as he pours the water to clear her messed up vision. Once she felt the water hit her face, she slightly shivered from the coldness of it but managed to follow the stranger's advice. Soon after, she tried to blink away the excess water so she could open her eyes.

The first thing that she did was to look up to the stranger's face, she saw a really tall man with a buff figure, hovering above her. The details of his appearance appeared to be indistinct, due to the harsh sunlight that is behind him, but it was clear enough that the man was offering his hand for her. She accepted it and he helped her stand up, assisting her once she thought she would trip.

His hands were on her waist as Thalia's brain calculated the center of her gravity for the moment, she still felt weak but she was strong enough to finally stand on her own after a few seconds. From her stance, she could finally make out the details of his face.

To Thalia's shock, the man who helped her was handsome as hell. She assumed that he was an angel who was sent by God to help her with her current state of dealing with supernatural beings without a single knowledge of what they can do to her. Letting her naivety rule over common sense.

"Who are you, Sir?" Thalia asked, her voice cracked in the end as her throat seemed dry and coarse.

The man smiled and gently let his hand down from her waist, he reached something from his back and seconds later, a big canteen was being offered to her. Thalia raised a brow at his gesture, and hesitantly accepted the canteen but didn't bother to drink from it yet.

He seemed to notice her hesitation so he offered her a kind smile, "My name's Daniel and don't worry I mean no harm," He introduced himself and Thalia gave him an uncertain smile.

"The name's Thalia and don't worry I am not afraid of you or anything. In fact, you will find me very trusting to strangers and one day, I know it will be the cause of my death. Thus, me ending in this uncharted territory by simply getting lost-" Thalia stopped herself from her babbling and placed a hand over her mouth to keep her loquacious habit get the best of her.

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