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Darkness surrounded the house, accompanied by the eerie silence. It was cold inside, much colder than outside. The furniture's were still the same way they left them earlier, not one of it moved a single inch from their places.

Xerxes observed the house with his powers. It was hard to use his human eyes, especially if it's dark. Luckily, he had an enhanced vision that made him see through the dark and what the human eye can't see. So far, he had not seen any abnormal activity inside – aside from the dirty dishes from the kitchen sink.

"It's too...quiet," Xerxes muttered. He frowned in confusion and walked to the bottom of the stairs.

His eyes scanned the top of it from the bottom, he suddenly felt something odd. His instincts were on overdrive, earlier he felt nothing strange, now, it seems like something the winds had taken a turn, for he felt something powerful and sinister.

Xerxes clenched his jaw tight, his lips were pressed into a thin line and his energy surged in his closed fist. His body was arming itself from the danger that he sensed. The once dark area became lit with the yellow orb of electricity that is emitting from him.

He took a cautious step, followed by another until he found himself at the top of the stairs, overlooking the small hallway. Xerxes inspected the four rooms on each side, trying to find the source of the sinister force that he had sensed earlier. His orbs slowly died down, as he summoned it back inside him.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to remember the words of a spell to see through walls. His mind was a jumbled mess, as spell after spells appear in his memory but not the one he was looking for. Xerxes closed his eyes and sighed, rubbing his temples to calm himself. He was having a migraine again, and he didn't like it one bit.

Suddenly, a door slammed open, shocking him to the core. Xerxes quickly prepared himself for a confrontation; his eyes scanned the room wildly. His powers surged through his veins down to his hands; a yellow light filled with electric currents illuminated the darkness of the hallways.

Xerxes looked at the last room on the left, he knew that it was the door that was slammed open; he approached the room slowly and was always alert if any danger comes to his way. When he was halfway through it, a man came out of the room, shocking him again but this time, he shook off the shock quickly and managed to compose himself.

What he saw made him gasped.

It was Sylvester.

Xerxes saw how badly injured he was. Blood drip down to his face, his left eye was purple and almost closed from being swollen, his lips were bleeding and his nose had a cut on it also. Sylvester's clothes were messy and filled with dirt and blood. His once white v-neck shirt was now soaked in blood, it clanged to his torso like a second skin, and some part of his jeans were torn and wrinkly.

Xerxes tried to rush to Sylvester's side but paused when he saw Sylvester's reaction. Sylvester didn't recognize him and prepared to attack. "Who are you?" Sylvester asked in a raspy and broken voice.

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