Dimpled Angel

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Sorry for the delay of updates. I really am. I was just busy with my work that I have been preoccupied for awhile. But here you go! I'll try to give a lot of updates as much as I can. :)


Thalia slowly opened her eyes and adjusted to the darkness in the room. The only light source was the moonlight so she couldn't see much. She looked around and observed her surroundings. She tried moving her hands and feet only to find out that it was tightly bound by something. She looked down and saw that it was tightly held by cable ties. She started panicking and struggling to be free.

"Don't waste your time trying to take it off," A strange voice said.

She lifted her head and searched for the source of the voice but couldn't see much because of the darkness of the room. "W-Who's there?" She stuttered. Then she suddenly it dawned on her what happened earlier and that, she was most likely screwed in more ways than one.

"I made sure to bound you securely in case you might want to run away from me," The voice continued to speak.

She tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness and finally finding the source of the voice. She saw nothing but shadows. However, Thalia could feel another presence in the room. She guessed that it was the same guy who kidnapped her and was probably going to kill her, so with all her willpower, she tried to hide her fear by responding confidently.

"I-I'm not afraid of you! I have a pocket knife in my shoes!" She stuttered, cursed herself internally for making such a lame threat. She knew by now that she was doomed and she gave away the only thing that could save her by this point.

Suddenly, Thalia heard light footsteps coming closer to a bed that she was currently laying in. She tried to stand up but without her hands and feet to properly support her, she only fell down. A silhouette started to form in the glow of the moonlight near her, she inspected the figure but she still couldn't see the face clearly. Although, somehow the eyes of the figure was glowing in the dark.

Like in the cartoons that she had watched but their eyes glowed in white, the stranger's eyes, however, was blue and it was denim colored blue. If the scene were any different, she would've laughed at such a strange picturesque view but instead of finding it amusing, she found it rather, amazing.

Staring at the beautiful eccentric, denim colored eyes of the stranger. Thalia admitted to herself that she was awestruck by his eyes, she wondered how would she react if she saw his face.

"Are you blushing?" The strange man asked. His eyes glinting with amusement as Thalia kept observing it.

Thalia couldn't think of anything or say anything at the moment, all she could do is be mesmerized and stare at his eyes. Thalia felt like she was an art critic that was being amazed by the wonderful curves and shape of the painting, the wonderful hues of the different colors that when normally put together would be a disaster but if the painter was skilled, it would look beautiful and blend perfectly like she envisioned.

'How poetic of you Thalia, see a guy's eyes for the first time and you became Shakespeare in love,' She scoffed inwardly.

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