Sylvester the Cat

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"Mariano, who the hell is that girl and why is she human?"

They stared at the crazy looking man at the door. His hair was unkempt, and it was pointing in different directions. His eyes were dark as it narrows at the scene in front of him, his clothes were a casual lazy look -with his loose white crew neck and washed out blue jeans and sneakers.

"She's a friend," Mariano replied in a clipped tone. He marched towards his friend and roughly grabbed his arm, he started forcefully dragging Sylvester out of the room but his friend was being difficult and was still staring at the girl.

His patience was running thin, and his friend isn't really as weak as he looks.

"Who are you?"

They heard a feminine voice call out from the distance. This caught their attention and Sylvester used this distraction to remove his arm from Mariano's grip.

He ran away from his friend to approach the girl on the bed. Her eyes followed his movements as he got near her, his eyes stared narrowly at her. He saw her face has dried tears on them and her eyes were swelling from redness.

"Hi, I'm Sylvester Santiago," He took her hand and kissed it, Thalia blushed and let out a giggle. Mariano approached them with determined footsteps, he felt annoyed by Sylvester's presence and his friend made his job a lot harder to hide.

"I'm this douche bag's friend," Sylvester nod his head to Mariano's direction. Mariano rolled his eyes and folded his arms on his chest, making him buffer. Thalia let her gaze wander to Mariano whom she saw glaring at his friend.

"Nice to meet you, Sylvester. You have the same name as Sylvester the cat from the looney toons," Thalia said blithely. Sylvester laughed at what she said and thought how ironic and out of the blue her response was.

Mariano stood broodingly near the bed, still glaring at his friend. Wishing to drag him out of the room and kick him out of his house. His friend continued to laugh like a happy seal as he also claps once in a while.

"Wow, I never heard that one before!" Sylvester exclaimed, his voice was full of amusement. He managed to tone down his laugh into a chuckle and sat next to Thalia at the foot of the bed, Thalia smiled at him and he smiled back.

"So are you also a vampire like Mariano here?" Thalia asked gleefully.

'Bipolar much?' Mariano grumbled inside his head.

"No I'm actually a werewolf my confused little child," Sylvester ruffled her hair and pinched her cheeks, acting completely different from his brooding friend. She liked Sylvester and like his name, he seemed to be as animated in real life, Thalia observed.

"You two look like goofy idiots," Mariano commented, dryly.

Their smiles fell off their faces as they look at him with questioning looks.

"Just saying," Mariano shrugged his shoulders casually with a flat look.

"What's wrong?" Thalia asked, showing concern for Mariano. While Sylvester just rolled his eyes and knew what was his friend's issue. He grinned mischievously after forming a plan inside his head. He wanted to test his friend first before he could come up with conclusions.

"Forgive my bipolar and choleric friend here. He is just not fond of fun conversations, he likes to brood a lot," Sylvester feigned a concerned look on his face and placed his arm around Thalia. He stared at his friend with a devilish glint that made Mariano narrow his eyes as he watches his friend's actions.

"Prick," Mariano gritted out and almost growled in the process but held himself back.

Sylvester smirked and eventually learned that his friend had somehow gotten himself attached to the human girl while she stays in his home. He had a lot of questions to ask him but he chose to ask it later when they were all alone.

"Sylvester come outside please, we need to talk," Mariano cleared his throat and proceeded to walk out of the room but when he looked back, he saw Sylvester's face leaning dangerously closer to Thalia's face, much to his dislike. He halted in his steps and sped towards them in a blink of an eye, he grabbed Sylvester's arm and roughly pulled him up to his feet.

Mariano then proceeded to drag his friend away from Thalia whilst Sylvester kept laughing at the whole situation, finding it amusing how his friend reacts to every gesture that he makes. This aggravated Mariano, and kept dragging Sylvester until they reached the door, he threw Sylvester outside and faced Thalia.

"You!" Mariano called out to Thalia who is now standing near the door with a puzzled look on her face.

"Stay here, while I put this mutt back to his leash," Mariano pointed to her and to a broadly grinned Sylvester, Mariano sneered at him.

"And you are coming with me, we'll talk outside so you don't rough up my furniture," Mariano replied, trying to fight off a smile that almost broke out of his lips.

"But-" Thalia was cut off by the slamming of the door on her face.

Now the situation was reversed, Sylvester was the one who had a glare and Mariano was now the one who is wearing a smirk on his face. He folded his arms on his chest and stood tall, whilst having a boastful aura around him.

"Dog puns huh?" Sylvester sneered up to his friend.

"Interfering with my peaceful life," Mariano replied casually.

"Fair enough, can you enlightened me on this whole ordeal now...old friend?" Sylvester replied flatly, clearly diverting the topic to the elephant in the room.

Mariano nodded his head to the left and started marching down to the living room, Sylvester trailing behind him with a motive on the mind and he was sure he was going to get the answers he came for.


Rush update. hahahaha 

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