For a moment

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Mariano sat on the sofa with a far-off look on his face. After the call with Luciano, he found himself incapable of thinking or doing anything. His eyes were staring at a random spot on the floor as he tries to grasp the new information he learned.

Being so lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear the front door opening and footsteps heading to the living room. Mariano was snapped out of his daze and with bated breath, looked up at the source of the interruption.

He saw all of his friends with mixed expressions on their faces. Johnson looked tired and frustrated, Sylvester looked like he was agitated; Xerxes looked tired and in pain; Micah looked weak and ready to pass out and last but not the least, Adriano - who looked like he was going to be on a murder spree.

"Where have you been?" Mariano chided.

"We were at the fair. What do you think jackass?" Adriano replied, sarcastically.

"I thought you hate fairs?" Mariano retorted.

Adriano looked at Mariano flatly, "Well, if you are smart enough to analyze my tone, you've known that I still and forever will be, hating fairs."

"We looked everywhere for her," Johnson chimed in.

"I'm telling you, mate, that girl is one smooth human if she could escape Adrian's property without a single trace," Micah added.

Mariano didn't reply and just watch his friends settled themselves comfortably in the couches, they all looked worn out and frustrated from their fruitless search.

"You're not the only one who is trying Mariano... We also care for her." Sylvester spoke out of the blue.

"Us? Or you?" Mariano retorted.

"Don't start Mariano." Sylvester admonished.

Mariano rolled his eyes and didn't bother saying anything more. The men exchanged looks with each other as they felt the tension between the two men. They didn't know why it was there but they had a clue on where it started.

"Relax guys...For crying out loud! You boys remind me of that cliché teen movies! A vampire and a werewolf, fighting for a human girl. This looks like another Twilight movie!" Micah joked out of the blue and nervously laughed as he tries to kill the tension.

"Oh yeah? what do you think will be the title?" Xerxes alluded in amusement.

"Probably... 'Not another Twilight movie?!'... Yep, I think it's good." Micah suggested.

"Yeah, I think that is a good title. Really legit." Johnson blithely agreed.

Both Sylvester and Mariano watched their friends with incredulous looks. But the trio never stopped their bantering about what will be the perfect title for the movie of Thalia, Sylvester, and Mariano.

This continued for several minutes but to Sylvester and Mariano. Their fight was long forgotten and both guys, having no choice but to listen to their friends' nonstop bantering.

"I have an ax on my car," Mariano said and Sylvester cocked an eyebrow.

"I think Xerxes has some silver knives that we could use," Sylvester suggested.

"Nice try mate! You could only kill me if you have my lamp!" Micah exclaimed after he heard their conversation.

"Oh, you mean this?" Mariano lifted a golden lamp in his right finger and everyone stopped talking. Micah gasped and widen his eyes in shock.

"How did you found that?" Micah looked at Mariano, horrified.

"It was in my car. It has some toothbrush and used underwear in it when I found it." Mariano deadpanned.

"Give it back!" Micah tackled Mariano into the couch and both started wrestling for the lamp. Mariano and the other guys found it amusing and were laughing their butts off. Mariano felt the anger and worry in his mind fade for a moment, as he had fun with his friends.

A phone ringing stopped the good moment between them. Everyone looked at their phones to see who's phone was ringing, only to find that it was Mariano's. He let go of Micah and answered it, still maintaining the big smile on his face. Not bothering to look at the caller I.D. before answering.

"Hello? Who's this?" He answered. He heard some shuffling noise in the background and a whimper. He suddenly tensed up and held the phone more tightly.

"Mariano...Help me..." A female's voice rang into his ears and he felt his whole world come to a halt.



A/N: Couple of chapter left!!!!

Go click that vote button! Now or I'll tell your mother you rob the bank!

JK XD anyways byeeeee!

-Crazy girl with a keyboard

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