Crack it up

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Thalia heard her name being called but to her, it sounded far away. She tried to look at the person but all she could see was black, she tried moving but her body remained still.

She felt a chill run up her spine once she realized that she was paralyzed. Fearing that she was dead, she tried to fight the weakness that she is feeling. Inside, she was panicking and felt her heart beat loudly in her chest. Once she felt that beat, she managed to tone down her panic.

She wasn't sure what was happening but the chanting of her name didn't stop, until a speck of light started to appear in her vision and this baffled her because as far as she can remember she couldn't open her eyes.

Then the once speck of light became bigger as it suddenly moved closer to her, she panicked again as it got near her.

When the light struck her, she felt her body shaking and somehow that triggered her to move a part of her body, starting with her foot until she finally opened her eyes. She quickly sat up and collided with something hard, she groaned in pain and she heard another person do the same but the voice was much deeper and masculine.

Mariano saw the girl convulsing in the bed with her eyes closed and thought that the girl was having a nightmare so when he called her name and she didn't respond, he panicked and shook her until she woke up, to his relief.

The only outcome of that was he wasn't prepared to dodge her, therefore, their foreheads collided. They both clasped their foreheads in pain and tried to rub the pain away, Thalia let out a whimper as she tried to soothe the pain in her forehead. She could already feel the bump that was forming and that made her groaned in annoyance.

"Why did you do that?" Thalia heard a voice say in front of her, she guessed that it was the same person who she collided with. She looked up and saw Mariano gripping his head and rubbing the pain that she caused.

"I was having a nightmare and I thought that I was dead so forgive me if I woke up with a jolt. I am in pain too you know," Thalia hissed at him.

"You're welcome," Mariano grumbled and stood up. He removed his hand from his forehead as he felt the swelling being healed, he looked at Thalia and saw her still sitting in the bed with her hands on her forehead.

He cursed silently and sped away to grab something cold and a towel, he handed it to Thalia who looked up to him under her waterfall of hair that covered her face.

"Here put this," Mariano handed her the ice pack and towel which she received gratefully and sent a smile on him.

"Thanks, what about you?" She asked.

"I can heal faster than you," Mariano's concise reply. Thalia felt puzzled at first then remembered what he was and she understood why.

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