"Ouch!" I pulled back in pain and he looked at me as if I was the crazy one. "Yo, just keep your hands off of me. Please and thank you!" I rolled my eyes before leaving him where he stood.

I knew he was confused but if he wouldn't have touched me in the first place, he wouldn't have been left wondering what was wrong with my arm.

I made my way back to my dorm room and my heart jumped for joy when I saw that my room mate, Faye, was gone somewhere. I finally had some time to myself and I was glad because this bitch was annoying.

She'd been wanting to know about me and how I got all of my belongings, shit like that. Kaydence always told me to watch those who tend to be on my "jock" more than usual so I knew that I had to watch her ass. He told me that people like that are always the ones who plot against you on the low, most of the time for wanting something that you have.

Don't get me wrong, Faye was cool when she wasn't trying to get all in my business but I would make it my business to kick her ass if any off my stuff came up missing and that was the last thing I wanted to do. My biggest fear right now was getting kicked out of college and jeopardizing my college career on this full ride scholarship.

I kicked my timbs off after throwing my bags onto my bed. I was hungry as hell but I wanted to check on Bri'Asia first. I hadn't talked to her all day.

The FaceTime call rung and she picked up seconds later. "Yeah, what you need?" She asked as soon as she picked up. I scrunched my eyebrows up. "Huh?"

"What you need? I'm doing something."

"Um, I wanted to talk to you. Since whe-"

"Dior, I'll hit you back in a few. I can't talk right now." She ended the call, leaving me speechless. I placed my phone in the pocket of my sweats and slid into my PINK slippers.

Maybe she's busy doing something for her mom, I might just be tripping I tried to convince myself. I knew that Bri'Asia loved me but something was wrong because not once did she ask me what I wanted since we were dating.

I headed out to my Range after grabbing my keys. Fast food was all that I had time for now. McDonald's, Pizza, Popeyes, repeat and I sure as hell was getting tired of this crap. One thing about college that I knew was guaranteed was that unhealthy college weight.

"Yeah, what can I get you tonight ma?" The boy working the front counter at Popeyes asked me. "The five piece tender combo, please."

"That'll be $10.27." I handed him my card and watched as he swiped it before handing it back to me along with my receipt.

Minutes later my food was given to me and I left. My mind was still on what was so important that Bri'Asia was doing but I couldn't let it bother me. I had too much going on to be stressing over her. I had studying to do tonight and that's what I needed to focus on.

Faye sat with her legs crossed in her bed when I got back. I sighed and sat down, pulling the box of food from the bag. I retrieved my calculus 1 book from my bag and began studying the notes that I took earlier. This shit was challenging as hell so I had to study overtime.

"Aye, Dior. There's a party tomorrow. Wanna go?"

"I might, might not. I have more studying to do."

"Girl, get your head out of the books sometime! College isn't all about being a geek and not ever putting a book down. You needa get out and have fun too. There's nothing like a college party." Is this bitch really telling me what I need to do? I thought to myself and I was almost sure that this was what my face read.

The Test || Dave East FFWhere stories live. Discover now