I laugh, "Venus won't maul him. They just flirt fight. Send her in, I'm positive it'll wake up Caleb."


"CALEB!" I hear a feminine voice cry out and then a grunt as someone tackles the other one. Caleb laughs, "Well I never thought I'd get one of those from you."

A gentle thwack is heard. "Arse." Mumbles Venus and Caleb laughs again. Then there was silence and I could only guess what those two were doing.

I smile. Everything was normal... almost.


"Hadeeennnnnn." I moan, "I'm not a baby! I don't need to be treated like a crippled!"

Haden growls possessively, "You are hurt!"

I squirm in his very muscular arms, "Let me go! I can walk! I hurt my arm not my dignity!"

"Your dignity!" Haden scoffs, "Please... You lost that ages ago with your rebellion against gods!" His feet continue to crunch under the gravel, taking us into the little town with little colorful cottages with huge century-old trees to surround us.

"Wha-? Excuse me! I did not rebel! I just say my mind before checking my tongue!" I snap.

Haden growls, "You should be silent around gods! First of all, you are a mortal. Second of all, you are a female!"

"Ugh!" I throw my hands up, "You are so old fashioned!"

"I'm a god! I've been alive a long time!"

"LIAR! Don't think I didn't piece together when Annabelle said 'You are so young and with so much power!'" I roll my eyes, crossing my arms, and looking towards his chest.

Haden stops, "How old do you think I am?"

"19!" I hiss. "Most gods forget their 'fake' age accidently, slipping it up before saving it quickly. You haven't done that once! You are in the ages of 18-21 since whenever you do slip up, it's when you act 21 and accidently say 19!"

Haden's jaw tenses.

Oh Eva. When will you learn to stop playing with fire?

He keeps walking, without another word.

We enter the village and I notice gods of all classes, mortals, and witches (a.k.a. the children of demigods centuries ago).

"So where are we staying?" I mumble, breaking the cold silence between us.

"In the only motel here. Caleb and Venus are already there."

I nod my head and shiver from the harsh cool response.

The motel was all the way in the back of town. It was near the only three restaurants but it was cozy enough. As we enter, I notice Caleb with a girl slowly settling onto his lap. The girl laughs in a light husky way, running her finger across his shoulder.

Venus was nowhere in sight thankfully.

Haden rolls his eyes, "Already Caleb?" Haden gently puts me to my feet.

Caleb yelps, jolting out of the seat and dropping the pretty girl to the floor. She yips in surprise and annoyance before grumbling and getting back onto her feet. She dusts off her skirt and turns.

Both of our jaw drop simultaneously.

"Cameron??" I gasp.

Her eyes bulge, "Eva? As in my next door mortal neighbor Eva?!" A pause. "No! No! No! This can't be happening! You can't be a witch!" shrieks Cameron.

My eyes tingle as I feel Evan come into my mind, "Is this the same chick who bullies you in the mortal world and almost broke your nose at the mall??"

"Yep." I reply.

Cameron was still having a fit when I shout, "Oh my gosh! Calm down! I am not a witch!"

This pauses her, "Y-you're not? Then why are you here?!? How do you even know about witches?!"

"And gods." I add.

"Gods don't exist." Cameron quickly waves off. "Well. You definitely were raised as a witch." I scoff.

"Excuse me?!"

"We both know gods and witches exist. Witches are the children of demigods." I explain. Cameron narrows her eyes, "That's just paranormal beliefs."

"Omg! Cameron! My freaking father is God of the Sun. My brother, a.k.a. Caleb, is freaking Cupid! The tall dark dude behind me is Death himself and we are in a witch sanctuary that doesn't allow gods in without a special magic to conceal it. This isn't paranormal!"

Cameron releases a breath, "Wow. Okay. So you really do know about this world."

"Duh!" Another pause. "But I didn't know you were a witch."

A tinge of pink takes Cameron's face. She quickly changes the topic. "And who is this dark hottie behind you who apparently is Death." She scans him in partial lust.

"Oh! He's just a boy—" I start. "—Friend." Haden finishes.

"A boyfriend?!" Cameron's jaw drops again.

Haden and I share a sideways glance. "Uh sure?"

"HOLY SH*T! Seriously?? You got that?!" Cameron gestures to Haden. "What the hell did you do over the last month?"

I give a slight uncomfortable shrug. I'm going to kill Haden.

"Room 314 is ready!" shouts the concierge.

I take a step forward but so does Haden. "You've got that room too?"

Caleb stands up, his blush slowly going away. "I got us three rooms to share. So you two are sharing."

I groan, "You couldn't've have put me with Mom?!?"

Caleb shrugs again as Cameron butts in, fixing her name tag. "I have to take you two to your room." She starts to walk off and Haden and I once again share a glance.

We start going after her.

I am so going to kill him once we get into our room.


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Cupid is My Brother and Death is My Bad BoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang