Chapter 27

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Late Update!!!

Sorry!! Busy Weekend



Bodies grinding bodies. Hot wet kisses. Buttons popping. Limbs tangled. Lips locked.

My eyes snap open as my dream begins to take me to weird places. D-did I just dream of sleeping with—? With a slight groan, I rub out the growing headache and those memories. Why was I dreaming about that anyway?!

I sit up, stretching out on my lower bunk-bed. A low groan leaves my lips. A hand slams over my mouth. "MMPH!"

"Hush mortal!" hisses a cool-voiced god as he pulls me to him. I narrow my eyes at Haden. It was just barely dawn, giving a twilight type of cast to the world. Haden was sitting in the shadows near the edge of the bed that was against the wall. Somehow, he easily managed to pull my whole body into him. Warmth creeps into my limbs from his heat as he keeps me tight against him.

I moan into his hand again and he snarls, "Shush!" He flicks his head toward the direction of the window. My eyes slide to the dark window to see a shadow of a person slipping by. I narrow my eyes now for a different reason. Haden peels his fingers from my mouth and I lick my lips. His other arm, however, doesn't move from around my waist. I look up to see white feathers pressed against the wall as well on the top bed. Caleb is here...

Suddenly a face bunks into the window, trying to get a look in. A single scar ran down this person's eye and I hear a something fall in Haden's room. Memories of my vision of Nile bring me to see that same person with the scar. He's a rebel!

I suddenly knew what to do. I squirm out of Haden's arms and into the lighted part of the bed, instantly taking a sleeping position.

"Mortal!" He hisses as quietly as possible, unable to come to me or risk being seen. I feel the man's eyes dart to me then continue around the room. They aren't after me! I'm not a god!

I move as if asleep and reach for my phone under my pillow. With a fake shiver, I reach for the covers, pulling them over my head. I turn on my phone, quickly dropping the brightness and turning on an alarm to ring in 30 seconds. I stuff the phone back under the pillow.

I curl up, waiting out those seconds. Suddenly, "RING RING! Alarm is ringing! RING RING! Alarm is ringing!" goes my alarm ringtone.

The person's eyes widen as I stretch out, groaning lowly. I yawn and weakly open my eyes. My hand pulls out my phone and I turn it off. I sit at the edge of the bed, yawning again before standing and stretching. The person bolts from the window. Something else crashes in the other room and I weakly look in that direction, acting if I just awoke. I see Haden's jaw tense as I stand, looking in confusion towards the other room. I walk to the door to hear more crashes and something fall outside the house. A fake fear-mixed confusion takes my features as I try to act as unknowing as possible.

I exit the room, leaving the door open so that Haden would be able to see me if anything, and enter the boys' room.

The room was a total mess with everything tipped over and clothing and objects everywhere. It's not much different then it originally was...

However, the rebels had trashed the room. My eyes widen in 'shock', I rub them and look back at the room, pretending to be disbelieving. Blinking a few times, I turn and head back into my room. I mumble something incoherent and collapse into bed. I feel Haden's eyes boring into me. I could hear the figures quickly rushing away. However, I stay 'snoozing' until I feel Haden's cool touch.

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