Chapter 26

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Enjoy <3




"Woah. What happened to you?" Venus whispers as we all sit down for dessert.

The dance. The predator. The kiss. The act. The pain...

"Uh nothing. Just a bit windy." I say, picking at the Golden Food I could not eat.

Suddenly, the door burst open and a feeling of warmth lights up the room.

"Sorry I'm late everyone!" Booms the merry voice of my father. He struts in with his big structure, and his golden hair thick and luscious, bouncing with every step he takes.

"Now that's a god." Some of the females purr and I snarl in disgust. My mom pays no attention to the comments.

"I would love to get with that." A goddess whispers at the table next to us. My mother shuts her eyes, hiding her slight wince before smiling brightly. Oh no. What did dad do?

My father starts to wave to the crowd who were all happily waving back. He goes up to the dj stand, takes the microphone, and addresses the audience. The dj goes to the Worker's Only room.

"Hellloooo my fellow gods!" His deep warm voice sings.

Everyone starts cheering.

My father basks in the attention before waving everyone down. "Now. Now. I want to first apologize for my late appearance. The rebel business is getting worse." Murmurs of fear wash over us but my father cools them, "Now! Now! Not to worry. We have the rebels under control right now, but that brings me to my next topic before the evening can continue joyously." A tense pause. "The biggest event that has occurred throughout god history is coming up.... our bi-decade Couple's Ball!"

The crowd starts to cheer and my father grins, "Yes. Yes! It has already been twenty years and it will soon be time for gods to find their true mates once again! My one and only son, my best child, will explain the idea of the ball for those of you who haven't been in one for centuries because you were just that lucky! Please welcome, my favorite child, Cupid!"

Well that stung.

The crowd starts to politely applaud and cheer as Caleb flies from the open balcony and lands onto the stage. He takes the microphone from my father. "Helloooooo fellow Mighties!"

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The Mighties cry back. Caleb waves a few seconds before beginning, "Alright! To quick business so that I do not bore you!" The crowd laughs and Caleb continues, "So as we know the Couple's Ball happens every twenty years. Gods sixteen human years of age to five centuries old may attend! It is the one night were everyone's hidden human emotion of love sparks up allowing you a chance to find your true love, and as always, I shall be your guide." Caleb bows, sticking out his hand. "WHOOSH!" Magically, the Love List pops into his hand.

The gods start to clap and Caleb grins, "Yes. I will have the Love List to show you all if you find your true soulmate. If you are very strong with a person, you and that person will glow the same color! And who knows, you might get two possible soul mates! But remember, it is an informal formal event so look gorgeous, as always, and make sure to have fun!"

The crowd cheers. "Thank you and have a good night!" Caleb grins and hops off the stage. The crowd cheers as he dances to the tables, going to where my mother and I were sitting.

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