Chapter 13

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There he was. There was my dark scary god that was usually the biggest fear of most humans and gods.

Why am I not scared of him again?

My eyes narrow to a fiery glare as Haden fully teleports into the girl's bathroom. His glare was much more terrifying than my own. His gorgeous blue eyes were frozen solid, slowly extinguishing the fire in mine.

I take a deep breath and lift my head up higher, "May I help you?"

His lips curl to an unamused smile, "Where were you?" His voice was cold, as cold as the artic. No, colder than the artic. Shivers run down my spine and goosebumps take my arms. I rub my arms, trying to warm up. My voice was frozen. How do his gorgeous icy eyes freeze me oh so easily?? Why don't they just kill me instead of freeze me so that I wouldn't have to endure this cold torture?!

Another gulp. "I was at the test."

Then anger hits me as it does always. How dare he question me when he literally knows?! I am not his pet he can control and keep under his freaking cold gaze all the time! "Wait. Why are you even asking me this?? You SAW me leave the room for the test!" I hiss.

I never thought eyes could be so sharp, so cold, and so powerful. Dark shadows cover his face, "Yes. You went to the test but then where did you go?"

I cross my arms, "Where did all the test takers go?!"

An animalistic growl slowly blooms from his throat. "The nurse's office."

"EXACTLY!" I snap out. He growls, ignoring my snapping and showing his perfect teeth, "If you went to get healed, then why is this—"

Next thing I know I'm flying. His hands were lifting me up higher and higher, pushing me forward. He probably just killed me and sent me to the underrealm... I defiantly deserved it.

I hiss as my butt lands painfully onto the sink counter. He yanks my pant leg up revealing my ankle. "—Here? Why is it here?!"

I look down in a mix of horror and surprise at my ankle. It was totally swollen and bruised in many places, not to mention turning purple. Another gulp on my side. I try to give a carefree shrug, "She said it was just a sprain."

"JUST A SPRAIN?" He roars. It was a powerful roar. A roar that could shake the earth. He flips around and slams his fist into the stall door. The door dents with a vibrating bang and falls off its hinges. My eyes grow and my mouth pops open. Okay, maybe that icy glare can do something other than freeze things!

Haden was panting. He takes a deep breath then turns around, already back in his cool composure. "I am sorry you had to see that. But that is not a sprain! We need to get it healed up..."

"I am not returning to the nurses' office today!" I yelp.

He growls, his jaw tensing, "I don't trust that woman. I'm going to heal you." His death magic starts flickering in his tense hand.

"NOPE!" I yelp. "I'm fine! I'm fine!" I slide off the sink counter. "See! I'm fi—AH!" I cry out as my ankle gives out from under me and I collapse into the arms of Death himself.

He was looking at me expectantly. Damn bastard, he knew I would hop off the counter and that he would be there to catch me!

I growl in defeat, hiding my ever-growing red face. "You suck."

He sighs, "I know. Now I'm healing you or you aren't leaving my arms."

I wanted to snap something back at him or reply with sort of witty comeback, but realizing what position I was in, I shut my trap. However, in all actuality, I wouldn't mind staying in his powerful, warm, protection arms. NO EVA! Stop thinking like that!

Cupid is My Brother and Death is My Bad Boyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें