Thursday/ Friday night.

Start from the beginning

There was no point writing about what happened in school. Cause believe it or not nothing happened but it's an entirely different story at home. My brother really knows how to ruin a Friday night with his stupidity

It all started when mom and dad decided to leave us at home while they went on a date
"Now remember don't brake anything, don't throw any parties and make sure you don't eat all the snacks." Said dad
"We won't." I assured him.
This is the first time dad has left us alone on a Friday night. 'This is gonna be awesome' I thought
"We'll be back by 10:30. Love you." Mom said while smiling warmly and getting ready to leave.

The second mom and dad left the fridge thing I did was go go watch this show called 1000 ways to die. Mom won't let me watch it cause she says it to violent and inappropriate for kids my age.
When ever mom says that I'm like, Hello??? I'm 15 the show is R16. But as usual mom doesn't want to hear it.

Even though I'm 15 mom still doesn't trust me to stay home alone. I would complain but if I were her I won't trust me either. Mom is always watching these movies about teens my age that get left home alone and throw a big party. This made her a little bit paranoid about leaving us home alone. It add to her paranoia, she has friends with kids who have done the same thing. Honestly this is a true miracle.

Mom trust Stevie cause he is 17 so in her mind he is capable of trashing the house. Why? Cause no-one makes movies about 17-year-olds trashing the house! Mom is getting one MAJOR fact......

I'm MORE mature than Stevie!!!!He still believes in the apocalypse and alien invasions. Which we all know will happen in the year 2 thousand and NEVER!!!!

I guess in a way this is mom's fault. Mom never crushed Stevie's imagination as a child. She never told him the truth about aliens or the tooth fairy. It's either he figures out it ain't true or grow up believing in lies. And unfortunately, Stevie didn't find out the truth about all superstitions. But I guess this isn't mom's fault either. When mom was younger she read books written by this Dr Phil imposter called Dr Bill. The guy claimed to have the secrets to raising a great family. Even though he was divorced.
He said and I quote
"You should never ruin a child imagination no matter what even if their 16 and still believe in the tooth fairy you shouldn't worry cause they'll eventually figure it out."
People stopped listening to him when his son got arrested and his daughter was sent to a psychiatric ward. Unfortunately by that time it was too late for Stevie.

I was watching tv and lemme just say I finally understand why mom thinks it's too violent...... But I LOVE IT!!!!!
I after about an hour or so of watching tv I decided to get some snacks. And i heard my bro talking
"Log date.. Ummm..... What day is it? ......Whatever! My sis was replaced by and alien yesterday. The alien tried to her best to trick me, even changed her hair color and clothes but I'm too smart for that trick. The alien is watching tv. Learning the ways of our kind so they can take over. But I'm ready. I have weapons and--"

At this point I didn't want to hear any more of this non-sense. As I walked away my phone started ringing and when I looked at the caller ID I nearly dropped my phone. It was ANGELO!!! Why is he calling me? Do I look ok? Should I go wear make-up? Is Eli prank- calling me? Only one way to find out. I took a deep breath and answered the call

"Hey Shells, I know it's late but I'm bored but I just needed someone to talk to and I thought of you."
I blushed... Wait can he see that?
'Fool you're on the phone!' Yelled my inner voice.
"What about Eli?"
"Ugh! Him? Please don't even get me started. There are like, a million reasons why he isn't an option. But right now it's cause he is watching this show called Dastardly Wizard."
"What the actual hell?! That can't be true. That show is horrible."

If you fortunate enough to have no-idea what I'm talking about. Lemme give you an idea. Dastardly Wizard is this show about a wizard who is one of the most powerful magic users in his dimensions but he is always using it to do stupid things. Like there was this episode where he had to choose between world domination and making his neighbor's ruining shoes so he would have to go the store and buy new ones.

He actually chose his neighbor over world domination. He ruined his neighbor's shoes and he went to the store to buy new ones. At the store they were doing this content where the millionth costumer would get to get stuff free for the next 2wks. And guess who won? Louis his neighbor.

It was funny at first but they kept using the same joke over and over again and now the ratings are so low I'm surprised they haven't cancelled the show.

"*laughs* Yep he has bad taste."
We were talking on the phone and we were actually having a good conversation:)

I was microwaving popcorn while we were talking on the phone and when it was done, I started pouring it into a bowl. When I heard a voice that unfortunately sounded familiar
"You have taken over my sister's body now you shall pay."
I ignored that bozo and kept talking on the phone
"So Shelley there is something I wanted to ask you. You're a great person and--"
Before he could finish that sentence my brother interrupted
"Die Alien Scum!!"
He took his water gun and shot me with it. And the worst part is I'm pretty sure that wasn't even water. It smelled like coca cola mixed with cheese, uncooked eggs and sweat. Yuck!
"Stephen you moron! What are you doing?"
"Don't play dumb with me I know you aren't my sister. Why else would you have crusty eyes, messy hair that looks like a birds nest and snot and drool on your face in the morning?"
"You fool that's what I look like every morning!"
"Yeah right! If that's true then you would have no problem drinking this."
Stephen gave me a glass of what looked like expired milk.
"I can't drink that!"
"Cause I'm pretty sure it's expired milk."
"Smart alien. You've been doing you're research. But now it's time for you to die!"
He shoved the glass of  expired milk in my face then he actually step on my foot. That caused me to scream then had shoved the expired milk down my throat!
"Die alien, die"
I guess he was expecting me to melt or something but all I was doing was trying to vomit so I won't digest the expired milk but it was too late. It had gone down my throat.
"Hmmm.. That's odd. Subject still alive. I need back up."
He left the room.
I grabbed a frying pan and I was ready to go after him when I remembered.... My phone is still ON!! I hope Angelo didn't hear anything

"Hey Angelo." I said nervously.
"Umm.. Yeah I gotta go now, bye."
Then he hung up. Great he heard everything and he must think I'm a freak now:( + 10000000

I decided to wait till tomorrow to kill Stephen cause the last person I want to see right now is him. My friendship with Angelo is ruined. Thank you Stephen, Thank you >:(

I went to watch tv. After a while I heard a strange chant
"Zupa Tya. Zupa Tay!"
I thought I was hearing things but I heard it again and I kept hearing it. I got up to see what was up and I saw a bunch of teens dressed in silly ghostbusters costumes. They looked like...... THEY WERE HAVING A PARTY?!!!
Just as I thought that this couldn't get worse, Suddenly out of nowhere this loud music started playing. O M G, I'm surprised I didn't go deaf! It was so damn loud!

I walked up to Stephen, pulled him away from his circle of weirdos, I mean friends and asked him what was going on but he just yelled
I was like WHAAAATT ????? Then the next thing I knew I was being shot with water guns that had... Well you know, in them. And I one guy actually poured soap water from a mop bucket down by throat. Great:( I don't even know what tastes worse:(

"Dude she is still alive." Said weirdo1
"She must be powerful." Said wierdo2
"No it means she's not an alien. Steph man you were wrong." Said the first and only sensible guy around here!
Stephen looked nervous.
"Oh well no harm done."
"No harm done!?!"
I felt like killing him with a frying pan.
Stephen sent all his friends home and when I finally got time to relax, Mom and dad came home.

2270 words! Longest chapter ever!
Remember to

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