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First day

I stood on the sidewalk waiting for the lights to turn red so I could cross. I was going to be late to the whole school meeting and it was only the first day. I didn't want attention drawn to me. The lights finally turned red and I ran across the street to the stadium entrance. The bleachers were filled with kids of all sorts. I walked up the steps, kids still trying to find a spot to sit.

Why don't they get bigger bleachers? After 10 years of this school being opened...

I found a spot at the top. I sat down looking down at my phone. I felt eyes on me. I turned to my left. A boy with silver hair and noticeable green eyes was looking directly at me. I shivered. I looked down at the turf and fake grass, the announcements barley starting. I could still feel his eyes on me throughout the hour of lectures from different teachers and staff. It was finally over and we were released to get our schedules. I felt my phone vibrate and immediately grabbed it knowing it was probably Troye or Connor.


Turn around.

I turned around my eyes meeting with Troyes and Connors. I ran over to them immediately pulling them both into a hug.

Joey: OMG! I haven't seen you guys in forever.

Connor: It was only 3 months chill.

Joey: That's still long you dumb ass. How was Australia, Troye?

He smiled and looked at Connor.

Troye: It was amazing!

Joey: What?

Troyes smile grew wider as he shook his head.

Joey: Nasty.

Connor: Oh Yah! Joey, I want you to meet a friend of mine.

He gestured behind me. I turned to see a boy. His hair was dirty blonde. Big frames covered his hazel eyes. He smiled and stuck his hand out.

X: I'm Carter.

Joey: Joey.

I hesitantly shook his hand.

Connor: Ok me and Troye are going to get our schedules. Bye!

They laughed and ran off, leaving me and Carter to both stand awkwardly.

Joey: I should probably get my schedule.

Carter: I'll go with you!

Joey: I-. Ok.

We walked over to the little booths they had set up. I told my name and they handed me my schedule. I scanned through it.

French 2
Ap Human Geography
Ap English 2

Joey: Well. What an interesting year.

Carter took my schedule.

Carter: Smarty Pants over here.

I glared at him and snatched my schedule back.

Carter: Why are you taking some Junior classes? And so many ap classes? You only have one sophomore class and thats Geometry!

I shrugged and smiled.

Joey: I like homework. Besides, Why are you so nosy?

Carter: I, I don't know.

I raised my eye brow as we walked into the school.

Carter: See yah later, nerd.

Joey: Shut up four eyes.

He opened his mouth wide and walked backwards. I laughed as he bumped into a person. I looked down at my schedule.

Where the hell is the 400s? I feel like a stupid freshman again!

X: Lost?

I looked up from my schedule and turned around to see the boy from earlier, with a few other people. I recognized one as Sawyer Hartman. I nodded. He gently took the schedule from my hands. I couldn't help but examine the piercings he had all over his face. He looked up and I quickly looked away. Wide eyed. He laughed and handed me back the paper.

X: to the 400s guys.

A girl with Lavander hair smirked at the boy.

X: The names Daniel by the way.

Joey: Joey.

He nodded as I followed behind them.

Joey: Um. This is the stadium.

Daniel: I know.

Joey: I have to get to class.

Daniel: It's the first day. Calm down sweetie.

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again.

Daniel: That's what I thought.

I breathed in deeply.

Why don't I just run off?

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