Wet Dreams

820 18 8

Malia's POV

"Malia?" I didn't understand why he was still up, " Taav is on the phone for you," I peeked out of my room and opened the door. I took the phone and shut the door behind me.


My door opened and I looked up to see Madrid, I needed him to leave me alone so I could get these thoughts out of my head.

He snatched the phone from me, "Taav hold on."

"Look, you're going to do what you want to here because I'm not Taav and I get that, but don't slam doors in my fucking face," I didn't even notice that I slammed the door, he seemed pretty worked up and it was peaking my interests and making me hot, "'cause this ain't that type of party. I'll fuck you up if I have to, so put some clothes on your pretty ass and go back to sleep when you're done you have school in an hour." Since when was he worried about me and my wellbeing? "Gimme my phone when you're done," he turned to leave my room.

I picked up the phone and unmuted Taav, "Hey I'm back sorry."

"What's going on Baby?" When he called me Baby I felt like Baby from Dirty Dancing before everyone started calling her Frances.

"Nothing, I'm handing in work, editing my resumes, and looking for a job."

"Why do you need a job?"

"I need to learn to support myself in some ways when I go off to college we talked about this."

"No you talked, I said I'd consider it and quite frankly don't think I want you working." Grown men were always on that shit like they only wanted me to aspire to be a housewife.

"That's not fair, I need to learn how to be more independent."


"But nothing I have to get things on my own sometimes," I started wanting to be more independent.

"I just want you to focus on school, I'll get you a black card."


"I'm not going back and forth with you."

"Okay," I just wanted to do things on my own, I needed to have some choice in my life. "Fine if you want to pay for my college that's one thing and all that but I need one thing and I won't compromise on it. I'm almost eighteen and I need birth control. I think I know which one I want but I just need to be careful when I'm in college cause things do happen and I want to be prepared."

"Um, I would like to talk about this more."

"No Taav, I looked it up and I know which one I would like and I'm a female I just need to be careful and I also need one of those disguised mace or pepper sprays and a disguised taser. I want to be careful especially with the things that have been going down in the news. I need to be protected. It's not up for discussion," I used his name.


"Taav I'm not a little girl," I did it again hoping he believed the words I was saying to him.

"I know Malia and okay I'll have Madrid drive you, just don't get caught up out there, please don't. Some of these young boys will say they love you to make you open your legs and I'm serious. Not every guy out there is out there with good intentions. They just want to bake in your oven then leave you with the dish." I scrunched my face up at his weird baking analogy.

"Thank you."

"Madrid will drive you there but when you're in there you have to get it yourself I'll send you the details."

Breaking Her Daddy | 18+Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon