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Her first night in the house Sir told her to shower and get cleaned up, he showed her the room that was now hers.

He said he'd be back with clothing and that she needed to wash her hair again, more thoroughly.

"Rule number one, you will refer to me as Mister. I won't answer to anything else. Two, you'll do what I say the moment I say it, no hesitation. Three I won't ask you for inappropriate favors, you will not have sex in this house. Four you will learn to cook. Five if you need something do not hesitate to ask. I will know your whereabouts wherever you go."

Four almost five years later and Malia is still living with Mister and she'd never disobeyed him no matter how often she bit her tongue and restrained herself from lashing out.

She did whatever he asked of her and cooked and clean and wore whatever he asked when he decided to. She was just obedient to a fault like that.

He strolled into the house with his colleagues followed, I pulled a smile onto my lips, "Can you please take your shoes off."

She said quietly, she thought none of them had heard her.

One caught her attention when he actually did it, he towered over her, almost blocking her sunlight.

"I'm sorry about the rest of them gorgeous." No one had ever called her that before, with her mother it was always insulting, and Mister just called her Baby like the Baby in Dirty Dancing.

It had rained and it was Spring time so it was muddy and most of them worked at the park or in front of the corner store.

"Baby, did you cook yet?"

"Yes I did," I wanted to make a mean face but it just ended up being a pout. "You didn't tell me that you were bringing people over, so I'll have to make something new tomorrow."

"I apologize, I'm just talking business, can you fix me a plate?"

I nodded, silently stepping over the muddy tracks they made in the foyer. I made my way into the kitchen and Alexa had already had the plates out.

I already knew Alexa was sleeping with Mister, she didn't like me and I didn't know why, I had never slept with him, or anyone for that fact.

Alexa was the maid, she was supposed to be the housekeeper but I kept the house she just played in it. Hearing
him yell at his friends to listen to me and clean up the fucking mess they made.

He came into the kitchen and stood by me, "Do you want more macaroni?"

"Yea, thanks, Baby."

"I'm not done take some salad."

"I don't want any salad."

I gave him 'the look' and he caved, "I put chicken, cut up boiled egg, tomatoes, and cucumbers."


He walked away, I let Alexa make the rest of the plates and I placed them on the table.

They all apologized for making the mess in the foyer, I said it was fine while I grabbed a mop. Alexa was Sir's maid alone. She didn't clean up after me and I wouldn't let her if she tried.

I turned to leave, "Baby where are you going?"

"To my room, I wanted to watch a movie," I explained.

"Did you eat?"

"No, I'm not hungry."

"Baby get a plate, you can watch a movie later." He never asked twice, unclenching my first I headed towards the kitchen.

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