Some Girl

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"How long have you two been secretly dating?" She changed topics, Wins stayed quiet but I could see something in his eyes.

"For a while now," Madrid answered.

"We aren't dating," I spoke eating my macaroni, he was confusing the fuck out of me right now. Men were usually the ones who would downplay a relationship why is he exaggerating ours? He's good to me sexually so far but I had nothing to compare it to.

"She's shy because our relationship is new, she has some commitment issues," he straight lied to her with a smile on his face like it was nothing.

It seemed like they thought that this was regular shit while sitting excitedly Lauren questioned Madrid, "How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-six," he spoke shedding some light on his age making me realize I didn't know nearly enough about Madrid.

"Oh I'm twenty-one, my birthday was almost two weeks back," she divulged information about herself.

Wins eyed me silently, I looked down at my phone. I hadn't received a message which now left me confused usually when we made eye contact like we did it meant to check our phones.

"Are you looking for something?"

"No Lauren," I answered sweetly, I picked up my fork and began to eat my mashed potatoes.

I damn near moaned as the potatoes went down my throat. They were hot and I loved potatoes nothing made me happier than some good potatoes. I touched my face massaging my cheeks as my eyes rolled back the potatoes were divine.

I could feel everyone looking at me, "What I do?"

"You made a face, you make faces when you eat potatoes," Madrid spoke observing me.

"I made the-"

"The potato face, mhm," Wins spoke before he began laughing at me.

"It has a name," he smiled while eating, "that's interesting," Madrid did not look amused in the slightest. I loved potatoes, they made me so happy.

"My bad," I ate looking down at my plate.

My hair was up in a high side ponytail and I kept my cropped hoodie and put on some ripped jeans. I played with the openings.

"So Lauren how'd you meet Wins?" I took the time to take in Madrid's appearance, he had on a navy blue suit and I couldn't help but appreciate how attractive he was and how nicely dressed he always looked. He wore a lot of black pieces he never left the house without something black on. His hair was slicked back not one flyaway in sight. He checked his all black Movado timepiece while listening to the conversations surrounding us.

"We were at this club, I was with my friends and he walked over to me and told me his heart beats faster when I'm around. After that we kind of flirted we each other, he ended up at my place, we talked all morning."

"Are you two dating?"

She blushed, "Not yet we still have to talk about some things," she looked at me, "It's fairly new."

"Why don't you two come on a double date with us," I choked on my corn and Wins began coughing.

"Are you okay," they said in unison.

"Choked on corn," I explained.

Wins spoke at the same time, "Cider went down the wrong way."

"I'd like that Madrid, we could hang out all day if your schedules are all clear."

"What do you have in mind?" Madrid engaged her not consulting with me, who the fuck did he think he was? I wasn't going anywhere, I was still on the fence with her and she clearly felt threatened by me. My nerves calmed for a minute, Why did he kiss me?

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