No Foursome

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Malia's POV

"You look rough," Wins laughed at me as soon as we reached his house.

"Honestly I don't know what was going on with me."

"What do you mean?" He kicked off his shoes.

"Can I be blunt and extremely vulgar right now?"

"Of course," Wins laughed, "you know you can always be yourself with me no judgments."

"When I was at the club with-"

"He finally told you he wanted to screw your brains out?"

"Woah dere," I put my hands up, "pump the brakes, I'm telling a story," I was in story mode in my game so he would have to wait to get all the juicy intel.

"Okay, are you hungry?"

"Yes, we didn't even eat!" Well, I didn't.

I sat in the kitchen watching him work as he whipped me up some early morning pancakes.

"So what happened at the club now?"

"I disappeared because he was killing my mood and started dancing with this guy next thing I know I'm in his office as he goes off about me letting the guy taking me home and letting him dry hump me. He got all angry and then I got all aggravated because he said I was going to let the guy fuck me on the dancefloor."

"Why does he care who you let in your pants?"

"Exactly! That is exactly what I said, then he started getting all close to me. Then I told him I was calling you to come get me and started taunting him because he had this look in his eye."

"A look?"

"Like he was contemplating something look."

He laughed at me, "You girls are crazy."

"Madrid is- Wins the story isn't over."

"Okay keep going," he continued to mix the batter.

"He bent me over his lap, like some kinky shit and spanked me. Literally spanked me."

"Did you like it?"

That's the first thing you ask? "Well yeah, his hands are fucking huge."

"So it's safe to assume you liked it a lot."

He had me at a loss for words there, "ANYWAYS," I changed the subject as my cheeks flushed, "He fingered me," I covered my face, it was embarrassing to look back on and think about. Just the dirty thoughts made me hot still.

Wins stifled his laughter, he knew about my keeping my virginity to myself and that I wanted to give it to someone I trusted. It was why I was comfortable around Wins taking care of me, "Are you sure you want to let him touch you? Like that, I mean, like intimately."

"I don't know, I'm not sure. I couldn't think about it in the heat of the moment," all I could think about was the sensations between my legs.

"Look you know me, I want you to be happy, and I know how you feel about your body." He was talking about all my self-doubts and insecurities I tried keeping at bay. "I know sometimes you don't want to get up in the morning because you look down on yourself."


"Nah lemme finish, I have siblings and I know it gets rough sometimes being a female and having all these pressures about perfections and ideas about beauty being thrown at you but believe me when I say you're attractive in every sense of the word with the knowledge you don't always express and that smile you keep hidden. From the top of your head to the tip of your toes, you got this aura about you and I don't want to see that hurt."

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