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I sat on his bed looking at the box, I had spent a lot of his and Taav's money on these things especially the solid gold Pleasure Monster and the Hitachi Magic Wand that I had yet to use and he wanted me to throw them all away. Some of these things I wanted to use with Madrid but because I was so nervous and scared to bring it up I just bought items hoping he'd want to try them out with me.

I put the box away letting my little perverted thoughts leave my mind as I worked carefully. I had assignments to finish because of my frequent actions in Madrid's sheets. My grades had dropped, I was fooling myself, liking him too much. I wouldn't tell him but I was growing fond of him, a little too fond. To the point, my grades had begun to sleep because of our late night and early morning rendezvous. I had ruined a paper and slept through a test. Luckily my teacher was giving me a pass to rewrite the paper since I hadn't plagiarized anything and she had realized that I have been distracted as of late.

I typed away into my MacBook trying to correct all my misspellings and grammatical errors before the night ended. My stomach grumbled and the first five times I ignored it but I needed to get food soon.

Finishing the paper didn't take long and I understood what she meant when she said my paper made no sense whatsoever. I tried to make sense of what I had previously written and I had no clue. I didn't even really remember writing most of the paper at all.

My phone had vibrated twice then stopped before vibrating again. Slowly pulling my eyes from my laptop I glanced to see a missed call. I reached for my phone and called back putting my earbuds in my ears listening to the ringing sound of my phone call not being answered.

"Oh wow, you finally answered the phone for once," Wins laughed picking up the phone.

"Well it's not like you actually call me often Winston," I used his full first name.

"You aren't wrong Malia."

"But what's going on Wins?"

"A lot honestly," he sighed, "We were supposed to go to Dave and Buster's tomorrow and I had figured you and Madrid had forgotten about it but Lauren got sick so we just decided on maybe rescheduling to the next week or two especially with what's been going at home."

"What's happening?"

"My cousins are coming to stay with us and since my mom is back from travel and the girls are back from my grandmother's seems like we'll have a semi-full house." I opened my mouth to say something but decided against the idea, "Their parents are going through this unruly divorce so my mom wants to have them feel more welcome here and let them stay in the guest rooms."

"Well I'll invite Madrid," I said texting him on my laptop, "tell Eve I said thank you for the invitation I'm happy. Oh, and tell Lauren I said to feel better, maybe we could make her some soup and get her feeling better?"

"Yeah, I was thinking that because-"

"You can't cook for shit and don't want to poison her. Yes, Winston, I would love to help you help yourself by saving your girl things life with some bomb dot com soup."

"She still wants to go on this double date but I had to tell her to stand down," he laughed nervously, "she seemed to take a liking to Madrid. I thought she was kidding but she seems serious about this double date idea."

"We could go to Dave and Buster's any time whenever she is feeling better and if Madrid is free, I have a feeling he is busier than he is leading me to believe."

"What do you mean?"

"Like I'm messing with his jobs."

"Well talk to him about it I have no doubt in my mind he would take anything you have to say into consideration."

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