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Malia's POV

One second I felt a body behind mine, as his hands roamed my body the close proximity made me nauseous. I felt a pair of arms hoist me up and I looked around searching for Madrid.

"Let me fucking go," I squirmed to no avail.

Hearing a door open up, they dragged me into a room, "Is this her?" The music began to drown out from the room's thick walls.

"Get your dirty hands off me," I spat and they finally let me go. To my surprise, they dropped me in front of a chair in front of Madrid.

One of those assholes strutted over to Madrid and whispered in his ear. Fifty dollars that it was about me. "Leave," was all he said and they listened like obedient little foot soldiers.

"I tell you to stay by my side and within five minutes you disappear-"

I cut him off, "I don't see what the problem is?" I lied, as soon as I thought I was in trouble I looked around for him.

"That's The Fucking Problem Malia," he began raising his voice at me. I hated it, "And those guys you were letting dry hump you," Dry hump me? Who's to say I wanted him to touch me, "What did you want him to do fuck you in the middle of the dance floor? " Why did it matter anyway?

"You're an asshole," I said calmly just to see him seething.

"Oh Am I?"

"Yes you are."

"Do you want to fuck him?" Why did it matter? He was attractive but I didn't want him to touch me, "Maybe you could live with him and he could take you home."

"Maybe he could if you're going to be a dickhead all night," I retorted, "And he was pretty shitfaced so he might be down for sex later on. You're being mean just to be mean and you seem really concerned about me getting FUCKED even though you are NOT MY BOYFRIEND."

"Stop Fucking Talking," he was fuming, I was watching the smoke come out of his ears.

"Stop telling me what to fucking do," my insubordinate behavior toward him stood tall. He lifted my chin and I shook him off me.

He began exhaling hard, "Maybe if you stop acting like such a fucking child I would NOT Have To-"

"Whatever," just to piss him off I let the one word leave my lips.

"Say whatever again."


"It is taking every fiber of my being," I rolled my eyes, he knew I was right, "not to take you over my knee."

"Glad you see you holding back,"I gave him a sarcastic smile, pulling out my phone, "I'm telling Wins to come to get me."

"Like Hell You Are," he responded.

"Oh, I'm not?" I held my phone up towards him as I stood up and let him watch me dialing.

"If you fuck him," the venom in his voice gave me chills, "I'll make you regret it."

"I regret leaving the house with you," the room started to get hot. I looked at the leather chair I was sitting in and its twin. "Wins is coming to get me," I announced after receiving a message back.

"Pardon," he zoned out.

"Wins is coming to get me," I repeated.

"Everything I say to you is for a reason. My patience with you is wearing fucking paper-thin Malia I can only take so much. I'm starting to think you want to get a rise out of me."

Breaking Her Daddy | 18+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt