Virgin Thoughts

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A/N - Dedicated To My First Comment On This Story: BlackRabbit74 I have a lot of love and passion for this story. Virgin Thoughts and Calling are dedicated to you -

Madrid's POV

I stared at her curves all morning dropping her to school, she acted like she was all quiet but she was combative as hell. She got on my fucking nerves with her little attitude. The bulge in my pants grew "Stop staring at me," I told her.


"Because I don't need you trying to psychoanalyze me."

"How do you know I was psychoanalyzing you? I could've been checking you out," I pulled to a stop outside of an IHOP.

"Yeah, I highly doubt that," I scoffed she had a mouth.

"Don't think you know me, I could've been wondering how big your balls are," I stopped midway, I didn't know she wondered about my balls, I'd love to show her how big they are.

I got out of the car and collected the food from Gretchen, she made me food every morning I called in. I had casual sex with her and she did this thing with her tongue that I liked.

I thanked her and walked back to the car handing her a bag, "You're welcome, and if you ever want to know how big I am you could just ask people I've had sex with."

"No thanks, that's unappealing," I glanced at her when she wasn't looking. Her lips shun as did her eyes in the sunlight.

"I didn't know you found me appealing."

"Drive please," she demanded and I didn't like taking orders from her, "If I found you appealing I would've told you that," Malia stuck her middle finger up and Gretchen, such an obscene gesture.

I opened my mouth, "That wasn't very nice of you."

"It wasn't about being nice, she shouldn't have been glaring at me like that."

"You were glaring at me like that not that long ago."

"That's different she's glaring at me because she thinks I'm with you."

"You are with-"

"Like in a relationship with you."

Waiting for her to humor me, "What's wrong with being in a relationship with me?"

"I'm not in a relationship with you, I never said there was a problem." What's so bad about me?


"Don't tell me what to do," she rolled her eyes at me again and I just wanted to put her in her place.

"Lost my appetite."

I stopped the car in the middle of the street, "Look you want this to work out, just do what I say when I say it."

Making eye contact, "Your whole attitude just changed and you have this look in your eye like you want to do something but you're holding yourself back."


"So what are you holding back?"

I began driving the car again, "Don't worry about it."

"Stopping in the middle of the street wasn't smart."

"I didn't stop for it to be smart now eat or you aren't leaving this car," I demanded while pulling up to her school, I locked the doors. She wasn't leaving until she ate, I wasn't dealing with Taav's shit right now.

"Open the door Madrid," the way she said my name made my dick ache. I'd be a liar if I said all the boys didn't want to bone her. We see her all the time when Taav invites us over she was just so damn quiet we never knew what to think of her.

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