Chapter 10

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*Niall's POV*
I'm so sad. I have to leave my beautiful wife to go on tour. Ugh. At least we'll text and Skype everyday. I really am in love with Demi. She makes me feel so happy. Whenever she smiles, I smile. When she laughs, I laugh. It's a beautiful thing..and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

*Demi's POV*
Marie is coming with me on tour. We're gonna have so much fun. Yeah she's going to be in recovery, but I'll make it fun. We're going to tour the US while One Direction tours the UK.

~At The Airport~
Niall's getting ready to go. It's so sad. I'm gonna miss him so much. Marie hugged him and sat down in a chair while she waited for me.
"Babe, I'm gonna miss you so much."
"I'm gonna miss you too Niall."
He kissed and hugged me. Then Marie and I left.

*Marie's POV*
Demi and I headed into her tour bus and got settled in. The first show was today. She had a meet and greet first.

~At The M&G~
I was with Demi this time. She stood and waited for fans to come up. She would hug them, take a picture, and they'd leave. Amongst the crowd of girls there was a boy. He was skinny and had dark black hair. He came up to me and asked if he could get a picture. I was shocked. Why would someone want a picture with me?
He gave me a piece of paper with his number on it and left.

After the meet and greet Demi had her concert. She came out singing Neon Lights. Two hours later we went back on the tour bus. We weren't going anywhere..we just wanted to rest. I took the paper from my pocket and put the number in. I texted it and waited for a response.

Me- Hey it's Marie. (:
Him- Hi!! My names Chase.
Me- So Chase, why'd you give me your number?
Him- Well, I kinda thought you were cute and your personality is amazing. I thought we could get to know each other.
Me- Awe that's sweet. Thanks!!(: I think you're kinda cute too(;
Him- I think I just blushed o.o
Me- Aww!

We talked for hours until I got a certain question.

Him- Will you go out with me?
Me- Can we hang out first?
Him- Yeah!! You want to meet up at Starbucks tomorrow?
Me- Yeah! I can't wait. I'll have to bring Demi though...
Him- The more the merrier!
Me- Goodnight Chase(:
Him- Goodnight Marie(:

It was 2am. I fell asleep next to Demi.

Thanks for reading!! c:

Adopted by Demi Lovato and Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now