Chapter 4

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*Demi's POV*

The M&G was over but I didn't see Marie. I walked into my dressing room.
The bathroom light was on. I knocked on the door.
I didn't hear anything. I pulled the door open and there she was..laying on the a pool of blood.
She didn't respond. I called an ambulance. They put her in the back and drove off. I followed closely behind. When I got there she was already in a hospital bed. She had tubes in her arm and bandages on her wrists. I called Niall.
"Niall...come to White Hospital."
"I'll be right there babe."
He came in the room really fast and I ran over to him. I immediately started sobbing.
" it's okay.. She's strong."
He kissed the top of my head.

"It's okay sweetie mommy's here."
"What happened?"
She looked down at her wrists.
"Oh yeah.... I'm so sorry mommy." She started crying.
"It's okay baby girl, it's okay." I wrapped her in my arms and didn't let go.

*Niall's POV*

I could see Demi was hurt by this. Marie was more than hurt, almost broken. I didn't know what else to do so I hugged them. Tears silently made their way down my face. I wish I could protect them from these things.

*Demi's POV*

When Niall put his arms around us, I felt okay. I felt safe. A tear rolled down my cheek and Marie wiped it with her thumb. We pulled away when we heard the doctor come in.
"Hello I'm Doctor Jones."
"Hello." I said.
"Marie has severe cuts on her arm. We think they are on purpose. She also has an eating disorder."
I glanced over at Marie. She look uncomfortable.
"Can she come home?" I asked.
"As long as you teach her good eating habits and help her recover."
"I will doc."
"Okay. She is allowed home."
"Yaay!!!" We all shouted.

~13 months later~

Marie was doing better. She gained about 10 pounds and stopped cutting. I was so proud of my little skyscraper. Niall and I never had time alone because we were helping Marie, it was so worth it though. He understood and was so supportive. Tonight, we were going on a date.
"Are you sure you're going to be okay?"
"Yes mom...I'll be fine."
I dropped her off to spend time with Maddie.
"Okay baby. Call me if you need anything. I'll be back tomorrow."
"I will. I love you."
"I love you too." I said as I kissed her forehead.
"Ready to go babe?" Niall asked.
Niall and I got into the car and drove to a fancy restaurant. He opened the door and we went inside.
"We haven't been alone in a long time.." Niall said.
"I know but it's for Marie's sake."
"I'm glad she's getting better."
"I love you Niall."
"I love you too Demi." He kissed me. We ordered dinner and ate our food. When we finished he brought me to a beach. He got on one knee.

<Sorry for the short update. I'm so tired. There will be much more on Thursday. Thanks for reading!! C:>

Adopted by Demi Lovato and Niall HoranOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora