14. Final Showdown

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Kane, Isabella, and Charlie. The final three players in the game still struggling to live. Being put through eleven deaths and traumatizing experiences.

Kane, the fourteen-year-old boy that been through being used and thrown away by every alliance he's been in. Disowned by Wade, Darwin, Charlie, Isabella, and more. Even with this disadvantage, he is still in the final three. Kane has been in the chairs twice and received zero votes to evict.

Charlie is also a good player. She's been in a lasting alliance with Isabella and Jason and somehow talked everyone to vote her way. Even in a trusting alliance, she's made many enemies. This includes Wade, Darwin, Kane, and newly Isabella. She's been in the chair three times and received eight votes to eliminate.

Isabella has been a lot in the game. Losing her father round two next to her soon to be allied over a pregnancy lie. She has also been in a lasting alliance with Charlie and Jason. She has only been in the chair once and that was the very first round. She only received one vote to eliminate.

All three surround the cube bucket waiting for any type of news to show up. Waiting on the hope of all three getting to survive. Waiting to die. Everyone's relationship are on the rocky side with no one one hundred percent on someone else's side. A toss of the coin can choose who dies next.

The appearance of the three is all disheveled and jumbled. Kane's dirty shirt with holes in it is covered in Trisha's suit jacket. His eyes are puffy from the tears falling from his face. Charlie's glasses are missing and her Sunkist hair is tangled and dry. Isabella  appearance is almost the same except with long dark hair and darker skin.

The cube transitioned back to the peaceful oceanfront scenery.

Swift's hologram appears in between the three. Instead of his iconic black suit. He is now wearing a maroon suit is red undertones. The grin on his flawless smooth face as if someone isn't going to die.

"Hello, Kane, Isabella, and Charlotte. You've all made it the final showdown where there is a chance of you will be leaving. This time, we will be having a special final two where you will be given temptation. More to that later. Back to the final three. In the bucket will be two red cubes and one blue cube. If you pull the blue cube then you automatically make it to the final two and will have the lone decision to eliminate one more person from the game. Just when you think the game is over, you still have to fight.  Final three. You may now pull your cube. "

The three stand together around the cube. All around the same height with Charlie being the tallest and Kane being barely the shortest next to Isabella. They look at each other and settle their differences through eye contact. All scrambling the bucket to grab a cube together. They lift their hands and face them as far as possible in the middle of the bucket. Their fist is all touching facing the cube downwards. Charlie looks at the other two and nods her head. The rest follow along with a nod. She flips her hand upwards and unclenches her hand to find her first red cube since the first round. The most important decision is now taken away from her. Fourth time in the chair. She takes a seat in the red chair and waits for the next person. Isabella is next. She does the same thing as Charlie. Looks slightly down at Kane and nods. She opens her hand to a familiar sight. Something she's seen round one. A red cube. She takes a seat next to Charlie. Once allies. Now enemies and will be separated by the decision of a fourteen-year-old boy.

Kane stands behind the last podium with only two buttons on the screen. A red button for Charlie and a blue button for Isabella. "Now that you all need me to live. You now have to convince me why you should stay over the other."

"Well. Firstly she lied about being pregnant, what else do you think she lied about. She's probably was working with Wade as a terrorist. Both are liars." Isabella says.

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