13. Exposed

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2-1. The vote that will give Ophelia or Charlie another chance to live. They have been bounded to the chair for around five minutes waiting for the decision. Wade is sitting in the corner butterfly style picking at his nails looking like hot garbage. His body looking like just arrive back from hell. Kane is facing the opposite wall gently banging his head against the black wall.  Isabella is in front of a podium with her hands over her face.

The wristbands blink viciously. Ophelia's body tenses outward stretching her limbs as far as possible. Her wrist blackens while her veins bulge from her wrist to slowly unwinding into a lifeless being. Charlie's body freezes looking away just like she was next to Elijah and Trisha. One podium lowers into the ground and Ophelia's chair quickly lowers and comes back empty unlike the rest. The room now consists of two podiums facing each other and two chairs.

Four people. One winner. Swift's hologram appears with a smile on his face. "Hello final four. Three more rounds then you can go home. I have a message to Wade. You are the only person I have ever hand selected to be put into this game and you know exactly why. You won this game before and you used your winners power against America. You are a terrorist and deserve to be eliminated. You gotten lucky for nine rounds, but you won't get away with what you did. We as a company do not believe in cheating so I will not force him to get a red cube and force everyone to vote you out. What I will do is remind everyone else that he made sure thirteen people died so he can live. He didn't care about the kids nor did he for the pregnant women. This is your tenth round. The bucket not has two blue cubes and two red cubes. Good luck everyone.

"I wasn't going to save him anyway. I knew there was something not to like about him." Charlie says out loud to Isabella loud enough for Wade to hear.

Wade scoffs. "Just choose so I can get this over with.

Charlie choose first. As she gets closer the darkness in the room is now a white. The roof, the floor, the walls. All white. Unblinking pureness in a room of death. She is shocked at the white lights, but still pulls out a blue cube.

Either Isabella, Wade, or Kane will be safe with Charlie.

Isabella walks up next after Charlie. Grasps a cube and closes her eyes. Her life flashes before her eyes. She feels the presence of her dad helping her make it through this game by herself. She brings the cube to her face and opens her eyes. Blue.

Kane and Wade now have to sit next to one another. They started as the first alliance in the game to being separated and hating each other. Kane has barely been on the block. Only once and Hayden took his spot and died for him. Wade has yet to pull a red cube. Almost as if he's allergic to them. He's in this seat because his karma caught up to him. All the things he's done to everyone he's played with.

Wade adjusts his new seat. "Since this is my last chance to do what I actually wanted I might as well do it now. Last year I did play and win this game, but I did not abuse my power. My game last year had two winners. It was me and an sixty year old veteran man. The old man ended up killing himself from what I heard. I on the other hand was sent to Korea to get information about their arsenal. I was giving an abundance amount of money that can last a lifetime, but I wasn't able to see my family often and I was not allowed to say how I got my job. I hated this, every second, so you know what I did. I went online on any type of social network and exposed everything about this game which led to a conspiracy. My bosses found out and instead of sending me to jail, they insisted that I play this game again. They know that I hated watching people die but with them they are making sure that I die in the games. So keeping me in the games would only led to more things getting exposed and more chances that this game will end for sure. You don't want Kane to be used his whole life. I'm older by six years. I can take what they are giving."

"No. No. He's lying. Swift said that he's a terrorist. He is a professional liar. If the host of the game even said that he want him dead, I think we should follow what he says." Kane replies.

Now that Charlie and Isabella finally has all the power they don't know what to do with it.

"I have an idea." Isabella says to Charlie. "Why don't we just tie vote it. Then they would both leave them we automatically wins if what Wade said was true about the two winners. I will vote out Kane since I know you aren't comfortable with doing that. You can finally get Wade out."

"Don't do it Charlie. She's tricking you to take her to final two. I was lucky with the two winners twist, it won't happen again. If you take her to final two, then she will do what ever in her power to make sure she leaves without you. If I'm with you final two I won't win because the game isn't made for me. Keep me and you'll win Charlie." Wade says.

"If you vote out Kane, we will no longer be working together. It has to be a tie or else they win. We are given a chance to live on a silver platter and you want to waste it by working with the devil." Isabella says.

Charlie doesn't speak. Motionless in front of her podium.

"Vote Wade out!" Isabella screams. "I know what you're going to do. You want me out do you? Hmm. Do you Charlie."

"I don't want you to die."

"Maybe the baby isn't real. Maybe this whole alliance was fake. Maybe it was your plan to get me and my dad out isn't it? " Isabella votes. "That's why you're quiet. This was always your plan. Are you a terrorist too?"

"You're right Isabella. My whole plan this game was to get two strangers who happened to be related killed. Do you hear how dumb that sounds? I'm not a terrorist. I'm just someone who wants to go home like you. I know what's smart for my game." She votes. "Also since everyone is telling everyone how they really feel. I guess it's time to say I'm not really pregnant."

Isabella's face is red of anger. She lied to everyone so that her dad can die over her.

The white wall behind Kane and Wade shows the number 2-0.

"Oh my god!" Isabella screams.

Wade's chairs drops into the ground before the usual shocking. While the chair is underground you hear Wade's agonizing screech of pain. The chair comes back empty and one podium descends leaving lone left.

Isabella, Kane, and Charlie are the final two. Who's leaving next.

Final three time!!! Did you expect these three people to make it this far? Who did you think would win? What questions are still unanswered? Who are you miss most of the people who lost?

Don't forget to vote and share.

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