Week 6: Harper Makes the Call

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*HARPER Point of View*

"There's a good chance someone drugged you."

* * *

"Are you serious?!" My father bellowed. He stood up so fast, the chair behind him fell with a loud clang  on the floor. A nurse came rushing in to find out what had happened, but the doctor told her everything was fine and shooed her out.

"I know it's upsetting," Dr. Rosewin said, "But if Harper is telling the truth, that's the only other possibility." 

I hated seeing my dad so upset, but I wasn't going to hold back to spare his feelings. "Dad, you have to believe me. Harry loves me; I know he does. I've been thinking a little more and I do remember being awakened very early in the morning by one of the producers. She told me I was going to meet Harry for a day-long date in his hometown."

"What was her name?" My father asked, pulling a small notebook out of his pocket, along with a pen. From worried dad to full-on lawyer in no time.

"Claudia," I answered.

"Wait, I thought you said Harry was with you," Dad observed. 

I nodded intently. "He was. For most of the night." I shot a sheepish little smile towards the doctor. Seems I was bringing everyone up to speed on my sex life. "But he left around 4 AM so that no one would know he was there."

Dr. Rosewin interrupted, "Why don't I let you two talk some more in private? I will make sure that you see a full lab report," he assured my father. "I assume you'll want to talk to the police." 

"At some point," Dad nodded. 

Before he escaped, I asked Dr. Rosewin, "How much do you know about me? Or what happened just before I came back to Sacramento?" 

He shook his head. "You arrived on a plane and were found unconscious. Your dad said you were on some TV show over in the UK, and your arrival home was completely unexpected."

"Something like that," I said. "You should know that this is highly confidential. If we make contact with the show's producers, they will likely want you to sign an NDA. I know you keep patient information confidential anyway, but I just thought you should know." 

"All right," he agreed. "Can you tell me anything else about the show?" I told him the basics, what the show was about and that Harry Styles was the star. "OH! Yes, I've been hearing a lot about it. Sounds like it's going to be pretty spectacular from the ads I've seen." 

"What kind of ads?" I asked, curious to know what they could have shown the public already. "Any shots of the women in the competition? Or just hype?" 

"Mostly hype, I think," Dr. Rosewin said. "Maybe some shots from the first few weeks at the mansion. But I didn't pay very close attention. Don't worry, I will mark your file Highly Confidential and make sure no one talks to the press or anyone else."

"Thank you," I sighed as he left. 

My dad turned his attention back to me. "So the Candle Ceremony was Sunday night. Harry came to your room that night, left at around 4 AM, and then this Claudia person woke you up later to tell you that you were going on a date? Is that correct?" 


"What time did she wake you up?" Dad asked, jotting down notes furiously.

"Around six," I said, yawning as if remembering the early hour suddenly made me sleepy.

"Six in the morning?!" He asked, incredulous. "Didn't you think that was kind of strange?" 

"Not really," I said. "I got up that early when I went on my first date with Harry. We flew to Mexico." 

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