Week 3: Not So Simple Misunderstanding

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When I woke up with the dawn, I was exhausted

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When I woke up with the dawn, I was exhausted. I couldn't believe I'd been so naive. I mean, duh! This was fucking television. Hollywood had no boundaries. How did I think there wouldn't be sex? There had already been drunkenness, psychosis, and violence! It was only a matter of time before sex came into the picture, and frankly, I was surprised it had taken this long.  I couldn't believe I had really been buying into this shitty lie that one of us could actually find love with Mega-Superstar Harry Styles. Hello! These things do not happen to ordinary people like me. They happen on TV, which is exactly what this whole mess was - a made for TV drama-filled, tear-inducing, happy-feel-good then get-the-rug-pulled-out-from-under-you kind of show.

I didn't want Ariana or any of the other girls to get hurt, but I didn't want to waste my time explaining what happened either. The truth would come out in the end. I got out of bed as soon as the sun streamed in just enough for me to find my way. I did the bare necessities - brushing my hair, putting on deodorant, brushing my teeth - and then I was gone, suitcase and everything. I did leave a note for Ariana with my phone number and I told her I'd explain it all after the show was complete.

I closed the door to my room and made my way to the nearby hall where I knew the crew were staying. The doors were marked Private: Do Not Enter.  I was relieved to find a few were marked by name, specifically Ben Winston.

I knocked, hopefully loudly enough to wake him but no one else. I heard some rustling inside and finally footsteps near the door. The lock was undone, and upon seeing me, Ben's face cringed with concern. "Everything all right, Harper?" He asked.

I started choking on my emotion, but I forced myself to be strong. "I need to leave. Right now. Or as soon as possible."

"Wait, wait, what happened?" Ben asked, coming into the hall and pulling his door shut behind him. "What do you mean leave?" 

"I mean I'm leaving the show, Ben! I can't stay here. Harry cheated on me, on all of us!" I was trying not to cry, but my voice was escalating. 

"Whoa, whoa! What now?" Ben asked in a loud whisper. "How do you know this? Tell me exactly what happened." 

"Ben, please," I said, squeezing my eyes shut. But of course I knew he needed some proof, not just the tears of a jilted woman. He had known Harry for years. "I was hanging out in Jordin and Jamie's room last night. Most of us were there, except Sara, who said she was going to bed early, and Gemma who said she was going to call her Mum."

"Mmhmm," Ben listened respectfully, eyes full of concern.

"After a while, I decided I was going to bed, too. When I walked past Sara's room, Harry was with her." Just then the door to Ben's room opened and Harry stood there, looking bedraggled and too fucking perfect. Ugh, it figures, he was sharing a room with Ben!

And sure enough, as soon as Harry appeared, another door opened and the cameras were rolling. Seriously? Did these guys never sleep?!

I ignored Harry and the camera and kept talking. "And it was obvious they were having sex." 

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