Week 4: Carried Away

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On Friday, Harry had a daytime date with Victoria and Brittany

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On Friday, Harry had a daytime date with Victoria and Brittany. And his last one-on-one in the evening would be a mystery date since everyone had already had a chance to go on a date with him this week.

Lucy, Ariana and I decided to spend our morning practicing our surfing skills. Lucy seemed quite pleased that Kai was at the surf shack, and he seemed pretty delighted himself. The two of them took off together before we could even say, "Aloha!" 

Ariana and I worked together with Makaio since we wanted to stick together. My muscles were still complaining slightly, but once I got into it, I think I did fairly well. Both Ariana and I had a lot of success, staying upright for most of the time on several runs.

The rest of the day, we just lounged around the pool, allowing the cabana boys to tend to our needs. Going back to reality after this was over was really going to suck.

I decided I wanted to talk to Ariana about Harry, and about our friendship, but I had no idea how to begin. So I just blurted out the obvious. "It's hard for me to see you with Harry. I mean, it was fun when it was just the two of us, snorkeling with him at the beginning of the week. But when I see just the two of you together, it hurts. I saw him kissing you that day. I hate that it's so confusing, and I hate that he's going to come between us because I really like you and I want us to stay friends, and....oh, sorry. I'm getting kind of carried away. Umm, any thoughts?" I said, laughing nervously.

She laughed sweetly and said, "If it helps at all, I feel the same as everything you just told me."

"Well, good...I think." We both laughed, not quite knowing how to muddle through this. "My point is, if Harry chooses you, I will be jealous. There's no way around that. But it won't be the I hate you kind of jealous. Just jealous that you're getting such an amazing. I know we both love him, but deep down, I want him to be happy. I mean, sure I'd be excited if he chose me, but if he loved you more, I would hate to be the reason that he was never completely happy. Ugh, am I making any sense?" 

"Yes, yes you are," she said. "That's a very mature way to think about. I feel the same way, at the heart of it all. I want him to love me. But I want him to be happy."

"Do you think we can still be friends if he chooses one of us?" I asked. "Oh, I know! We can be sister wives!"

Ariana looked me, not understanding. 

"Like we both marry him. You know, polygamy. And I'm totally not serious," I laughed. 

She laughed then, saying, "No! No offense, but that would be gross." 

"I love Harry," I told her. "But I love you, too. I don't have many close friends, and I feel like we've got a good connection. I don't want to lose that after this is over."

She leaned over to my lounger and hugged me. "I don't want us to lose this, either. Let's agree to be friends and be happy for the other if it's one of us."

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