Week 4: Surf's Up, Dude

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I was being stupid

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I was being stupid. I kept telling myself that as I washed the mascara streaks off my face. I knew that Harry and Ariana had kissed - hell, he kissed her before he kissed me! - and I knew it wasn't just once. I was over-reacting, getting all upset and acting like my heart was broken over something I already knew. 

But it hurt to actually witness it. Somewhere inside of me, I had dared to believe it was different between Harry and me, that somehow we shared more of a connection, more passion than he did with anyone else. But he had told me that there was one other person he might be serious about. And I knew it was her. It was just that seeing it made it all the more real.

If I hadn't just spent the day in the water, I might have gone for a brisk swim. Jogging was out of the question in this heat. I needed some physical way to work off my angst, but I couldn't even bring myself to go looking for the gym in this place. Instead, I ordered a giant slice of Death By Chocolate cake topped with ice cream from room service. I flipped through the channels, found a sappy chick flick and drowned my sorrows in the most cliché way. 

The day had taken a lot out of me, with swimming, sun, and sadness, so I eventually drifted off. Later, I was jerked awake by loud knocking on the door. 

I rushed to the door, hoping it wasn't Ariana. I couldn't face her just yet. I opened to find Brittany and Victoria. 

"Hey," Victoria said, strolling into the room. "How did your date go?" 

"Ugh!" I whined, falling back on my bed. "It was fan-fucking-tastic. Until I saw Harry kissing Ariana."

"So?" Brittany said. "He kisses everyone." 

"Ahhh!" I cried out even louder. "That's not helping." The girls sat on either side of me, trying to console me. "And you know the dumbest part?" I said. "I can't even go into detail with you two, because he's dating you as well. Who am I supposed to talk to?!"

Brittany offered in a serene voice, "You can talk to me. As much as I'm falling for him, I have a feeling it's not going to be me. But god would I love the chance to just have him fuck me so hard, I wouldn't be able to walk for a week, you know?" 

"Yeah, we know, Brittany," Victoria said dryly. "Everyone knows. Even Harry knows. Remember?" 

The three of us laughed, remembering Brittany's embarrassing admission on the plane. 

"I love him, too," Victoria said. "He's the most amazing man I've ever met. I just can't wrap my mind around him, you know? I mean, how can he be so perfect? But it's obvious to most of us that you have great chemistry with him." She was speaking directly to me.

"You think so?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah," Brittany said in a duh voice. And then she started singing, off-key I might add, "Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but you-oo." 

"Shut up," I laughed. "I thought that was how he felt about me, but now I'm not so sure. How do I know he's not kissing everyone the way he kisses me?" 

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