Week 5: Across the Pond

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Ahhh, Blessed Sunday morning

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Ahhh, Blessed Sunday morning. We were informed that the day would be relaxing, casual, and if we chose to hang out by the pool, that's where Harry would be spending the majority of his day. It was a welcome break since we had been zooming from one activity to the next for so long; it felt heavenly to stay parked in one place for more than 24 hours. 

I joined in the fun for most of the day. Harry and I exchanged secret glances and smiles throughout the afternoon, but eventually, I thought it best to let him have time with other three who remained, otherwise I might give myself away. That, and I was exhausted from spending almost the whole night with him. 

There was good news and bad news when we awoke the next morning. The first bit of news, which we couldn't decide whether it was good or bad, was that we were traveling again. The good part? We were heading to England! It was finally time to meet Harry's family and let them have a say on the final four women he was considering to be his wife. The bad news? A ten-hour flight and jet lag. When we landed in London, we would be taking a leap of eight hours ahead, which would obviously make our adjustment to England that much more difficult. On the other hand, Harry probably had lots of tricks up his sleeve to help us to deal with the lag.  

It wasn't clear whether the remaining time would be spent in England, or if we would actually head back to the mansion at the very end. I guess they still enjoyed keeping us in the dark just a little. We were instructed to take all of our things with us, but that's what we did with Mackinac, New York, and Hawaii as well.

Once again, our private jet (I couldn't believe I was getting used to saying that!) was in the air, headed to London, where I'd never been. Ariana had been to England a number of times, but Victoria, Lucy and I were complete foreigners.

Harry spent some of the trip explaining some of the differences in England so we might be even the slightest bit prepared. Even though they spoke the same language, I suspected many accents would be thicker than Harry's, and of course, I knew there were different terms for some things, like flat instead of apartment or loo instead of bathroom. But it was certainly helpful to have him give us some pointers, too.

We settled in and Harry informed us of the itinerary for the next few days. Obviously, we were heading to London first, although his family lived quite far from there. "I have a house in London, and of course, I'd love to show you all. Unfortunately, it's against the show's policies to let all of you stay at mine." He gave us an endearing smirk, as if it were a mystery.

Ten hours in the air literally flew by with us napping, chatting and laughing. 

Ten hours in California would have brought us to dinner time. Ten hours across the world brought us to the wee hours of the following morning in London, where it was still dark. It was quite disorienting. Luckily it was early enough that no fans were out trying to spot Harry and we were able to hop into the standard black SUV and arrive in no time at a fabulously inviting hotel. 

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