Week 1: Let the Games Begin

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After the other women had left, Harry sat down with the remaining 18 of us

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After the other women had left, Harry sat down with the remaining 18 of us. The first words out of his mouth were shaky. "That was so hard." A camera man zoomed in on Harry's face and he look slightly irritated with the close up shot.

I don't think anyone expected him to get so emotional, so an awkward silence followed his confession. Maybe they expected that he would gush about how excited he was to be with us, and I'm sure he was. 

"You had to make a decision after 24 hours," I said. "That's hardly enough time to get to know one person, let alone thirty."

"Yeah," he agreed, taking a gulp of his wine. "I never wanted to hurt them. But they looked so...betrayed." 

"So," Sara smiled somewhat artificially. "Now that's behind us. What's next, Harry?" About half of us shot her an I-can't-believe-you look.

"Well," Harry said, standing up, giving us his marvelous grin. "I'm ready to turn in. We'll all get more time with each other over the next few weeks." 

He hugged all 18 of us, receiving-line style, and then he left. 

As soon as we heard the door close behind him, Bianca whipped her head around to face Sara. "Are you serious right now?" 

"What?" Sara asked defensively. 

"He was upset and you didn't even listen to him," Bianca snapped. 

"Well, what's done is done," Sara shrugged. "Now he can focus on the rest of  us." Bianca just shook her head in disbelief. 

Sara left, along with a few of the other women, probably going to bed. She had seemed a lot nicer when she came to my defense against that bitch Salma the first morning at breakfast.

Brittany, Lucy, Bianca, Ariana and I moved to a corner of the room and sat in the plush chairs next to a crackling fire. Bella came over with a bottle of wine and poured refills for us, and then she sat down next to Brittany. 

Merle and the close up camera man took seats behind us at different angles, sure to capture our girl talk. I reminded myself to keep my tongue in check, but I lost my resolve after a few more sips of wine.

"What's up, ladies?" Bella asked. 

"What's up is I was going crazy, standing there waiting for Harry to call my name!" Lucy said. 

"I know," Brittany added. "God, I wanna fuck him so bad." 

I glanced at Merle and he just shook his head a little. Clearly, the alcohol was making it harder to remember that cameras were recording our every move and every word.

"Preaching to the choir right over here," Bella said, raising her hand to slap Brittany's in mid air. 

"He's sooo sweet," Ariana said in her singsong Italian accent. "I told him that I was at his concert in Milan and he hugged  just hugged me and said, 'Thank you so much for coming.' He loves his fans so much." 

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