Week 4: Truth or Dare

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After resting up from our surfing adventures, we were all corralled into the same large suite which had become our makeshift living room

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

After resting up from our surfing adventures, we were all corralled into the same large suite which had become our makeshift living room. We knew we were expecting a date card, but we hadn't a clue as to whether it was a one-on-one or a two-on-one. Honestly, I was glad I had my chance yesterday, because today's surfing adventures took a lot out of me. I was quite certain my body would be much more toned by the time this was all over.

When the date card arrived, Jordin retrieved it and read it aloud. Her face positively beamed when she read her own name. "Jordin, Hey angel, let's follow the sun and see where it takes us." 

We all cheered for her, knowing she was quite excited. Harry arrived, greeted us all, as he always did, and they left quickly. 

"So what are the rest of us going to do tonight?" Jamie asked. "Let's party!" 

"We did that last night," I chuckled. "I still have a slight hangover."

"Let's just get some booze and watch chick flicks or something," Victoria suggested. 

"How about this?" I said. "Let's go down and sit in the hot tub because my muscles are screaming. We'll take advantage of the poolside service and get a little head start on getting tanked. Then we can come back up here and watch sappy movies.

That seemed to fit everyone's liking. The hot tub was a god-send for my tired body. I think everyone else had similar aches. We also took advantage of the enormous, oval-shaped pool, which was a rather sensational creation, with 1.2 million glass tiles embedded into the bottom, creating a stunning orchid. It would have been a shame to not take a dip, at least.

We swam and hot-tubbed until we realized we were sufficiently drunk to no longer function safely around water

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

We swam and hot-tubbed until we realized we were sufficiently drunk to no longer function safely around water. We stumbled and tumbled upstairs, to my suite of all places, and ordered pizza as it sounded rather good for our drunken munchies.

While most everyone changed out of their wet swimsuits - in their own rooms, mind you - Brittany and Jamie somehow decided it would be okay to strip off their suits in my room. Period. And it never occurred to them to put anything on in their place.

"Oh my fuck!" I yelled upon seeing Brittany laying across my bed au naturel. "Get off my bed!" 

"What?" She asked, standing up and sitting down in a chair. "I'm not dirty. The chlorine in those pools kills everything."

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