Week 2: Pleading Insanity

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Ariana told us all about her date the next day, including the steamy kissing. Perhaps she didn't understand the nuances of dating the same man as other people, but it hurt. It was a good thing I liked her a lot, but it was hard at the same time. I wanted to be there for her and share in her excitement, but my heart was hurting. 

She and Harry had gone to the San Juan Islands, near Seattle. They went on a whale watch and she told us all about seeing them for the first time. Her level of excitement was contagious as she described the orcas. Then they went to a spa and got a couple's massage after which they spent time together in a hot tub. I didn't even want to think about what happened in there. Dinner sounded nice, too, but she didn't share many details about that, thank goodness. 

This was hard. I hated it. Why the hell was I doing this to myself?

I went to the bar by the pool and asked the bartender for the strongest drink in the house. Merle followed me, camera on. Big surprise. The bartender laughed and told me I wasn't the first one to ask. After I downed it rather quickly, I asked for another and the bartender said, "I think you should wait a little while. I don't think that last one has fully hit you just yet." 

"What's your name?" I asked the bartender. He was young and cute; he looked kind of like Dylan O'Brien.

"Jared," he said, laughing just a little. "And you're Harper, right?" 

"How did you know that?" I asked, and just then my head started to float. 

"We watch all you girls," he said, I assume referring to himself and the other staff. "We know all your names. In fact, we know a lot more than you'd think." 

"Is that right?" I asked, now feeling a rush of relaxation. "So, maybe you know whether or not Harry is going to pick me in the end."

He laughed again and replied, "I don't even think Harry knows that yet." I frowned at him and he said, "No, I didn't mean it that way. But this has to be crazy for him, trying to decide between all of you beautiful ladies."

"Oh, you're just kissing up so I'll give you a good tip," I said, bursting out laughing because we didn't pay or tip any of the staff. "So, do I get another drink yet? I'm finding this strangely helpful, this...whatever this drink is."

"That, my friend is just a Long-Island Iced Tea. But it has five different kinds of liquor in it so don't go thinking it's a sissy drink," Jared said, winking. 

"Well, I'm glad you don't think I'm a sissy. Another please," I said sweetly.

I watched him prepare the cocktail and when it seemed he was adding an extra bit of soda, I playfully yelled, "Hey, no cutting my cocktail! I can handle my alcohol, thank you very much!" 

"You do know that I have the right to cut you off, if necessary, right?" Jared teased.

"Heavens," I said, rolling my eyes. "Yes, I read the contract, but it's only my second drink. And I've been drinking like a fish since I got here. I think I've built up quite a tolerance." 

He set another one in front of me and I grinned heartily at him. "Thank you. Now, I understand bartenders are good at giving advice."

Jared laughed out loud. "It probably doesn't matter because whatever I tell you, you're gonna forget anyway."

"Stop it!" I snapped. "I'm not that drunk. Now, how on earth am I supposed to survive several weeks more of this torture? We're all dating the same guy and everyone seems okay with that, but in reality it sucks!" I could tell my voice was getting louder, so I forced myself to tone it down. I didn't want Jared to think I was a lush or a lightweight. 

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