Week 5: Unquestioned Answers

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I surprised myself by being so calm while talking with my mother. The shock had passed, but still, just listening to her as she explained where she'd been all this time, was surreal. Like a dream come true, in a weird way. I had wanted an explanation after all these years, but actually seeing her and hearing it from her lips wasn't what I expected at all. A major puzzle piece in my life had been put in its place, even if it was no longer a perfect fit.

I found myself simmering more about my father. Okay, yeah, I got it. He didn't want to tell me when he got the first letter from my mom. I was maybe 13 or 14 and had finally come to grips with the fact that she wasn't coming back. He didn't want to give me false hope or to crush me further by telling  me she had started a new family. It was a wise move, but I was still....unsettled by it. 

Harry sensed my unrest about the whole situation. When we got back to our hotel room, he locked the door and wrapped all of himself around me. And I just let myself be held. Warmed. Comforted.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this," he finally said. I could feel his mouth moving against my hair as he still held me tightly. 

"In a way, the timing sucks because you were immediately dragged into major family drama. But on the other hand, the timing was perfect." I pulled away just enough to look up into his perfect...damn, what was that shade of green again? His eyes changed with his moods, I think. In any case, I looked up into his eyes and continued. "The timing might have been perfect because I don't know if I could go through this without you." 

"I don't doubt your strength to manage this on your own, but I'm glad it worked out this way, too," he said, holding me in his steady gaze. "I'm glad I can be here for you. I'd do anything for you, Harper."

His words sunk deep into my heart. "Thank you," I spoke in awe. "I'd do the same for you."

He kissed me again, slowly, just prodding a little bit with his tongue, but not becoming forceful. It was just enough to back up the words he just said. Funny, how something as simple as a kiss could communicate so many different things. 

He finally released me and called room service to bring us some lunch. He didn't even ask what I wanted, but I didn't care. He ordered a large variety, and I assumed we'd have enough for dinner, too. 

When he hung up, I said, "Sorry, this has to be the most boring date you've ever been on."

He came and set next to me on the bed. "Now that's just nonsense. I love you, Harper. This is the only place I want to be. It doesn't matter to me at all if we stay here. The producers would probably want it that way anyway because they don't have any planned outings, meaning no security coverage. They're happier if we just lay low."

"I guess neither of us can complain since we have the room to ourselves for another night," I said with a hint of suggestion in my voice, raising my eyebrows.

"I like the way you think," he said,  moving towards my lips. But he was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. The conversation was short. "Yes, we're here," he said to the caller. "That's fine. See you in a few minutes." 

"Who was that?" I asked, cocking my head in a curious fashion.

"Claudia," he said with a small huff. "I'm used to dealing with managers, producers, public relations specialists," he said, making air quotes around the last phrase. "That's just code speak for We will tell you what you can and cannot say."

"She seemed pretty pissed at the cafe," I commented.

Harry pulled my hands to stand up in front of him. He enclosed me in his arms and said, "I don't care. She works for the show and she's not my manager. Honestly, you don't even have to say anything. Just let me do all the talking."

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