Week 5: Harry's Healing Touch

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Harry slid the key card into the slot while he held me tightly with his other arm

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Harry slid the key card into the slot while he held me tightly with his other arm. He pushed the door open with the beep and ushered me inside. With the look on his face, I knew he was incredibly worried about me. I didn't know how to reassure him because I felt like I was going to fall apart at any moment. I think I was in shock.

Emotions that I hadn't felt in 17 years were swirling in my gut, and now completely new emotions joined them. Not only had I been abandoned by the woman who gave birth to me, but she also decided that she really did want a family, just not ours. She seemed perfectly happy with her precious girls, and hadn't thought about me even once. How could she just love and raise two more daughters without even picking up the phone to call us at least one time to explain herself?

I sat at the table, shaking with ... I don't even know. I couldn't identify the emotions anymore. They were new and ugly and painful. I just wanted them to go away.  Harry knelt on the floor in front of me and tried to read my face, but I wasn't sure if he could understand what was going on when I didn't.

"I think I'm going to be sick," I said in barely a whisper. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. Harry followed closely enough that I could feel the warmth of his body. I knelt on the floor and placed my head on the edge of the tub. The coolness felt good, helping to calm me just a little. Harry caught on without any words. He grabbed a washcloth and wet it down, squeezing it out and patting my forehead and cheeks with it.

I sighed in satisfaction, not able to communicate how refreshing it felt. Eventually, I said, "I think I'm okay." I tried to get up, but I only made it to sitting on the edge of the tub, trying to regain my balance. Instead of watching me struggle, Harry easily slid one arm behind my back and one under my knees, carrying me out of the bathroom. My head lolled against his chest. I found myself wishing he would keep holding me like this, but too quickly, he set me down on the bed. I just sat, not knowing what to do with myself.

He sat across from me and took my face in his hands. "Maybe you should eat something. Or at least have a drink?"

"W..w...will you get me some ginger ale?" I stammered.

"Sure thing, love," He answered, letting me go.

"Don't leave me!" I cried, panicking. "Have them bring it to the room. Please," I asked pathetically.

"That was the plan," he assured me softly. He picked up the phone and ordered ginger ale and a few other things - I think I heard him ask for a cheese and crackers plate along with some dinner items. I'm sure he was starving and I hoped he would at least be able to eat without worrying about me.

Harry sat next to me on the bed. The tears felt like they were caked in my eyes and had dried on my face. I couldn't care less. "How does someone do that to their own child?" I sobbed. "How could she just leave us and never look back? And then she starts another family? Were we that terrible that she had to dump us and start over?"

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