"Most kids either ride the bus or come on their bikes. Since this is a pretty small town there aren't that many people, but it a good amount. Lucky we live just a few blocks away."

Perrie spoke as they put the lock on their bikes. Demi nodded her head as they stood up. Walking next to each other as they took the steps to the main entrance to the building. Opening the door as they saw many students walking around. Looking at each other as they saw a sign for freshman to go to the cafeteria. They walk over there as they heard a teacher telling students to get behind the line with the first letter of their last name. Demi got on her toes to look for her line. Once she saw the sign she told Perrie where to meet her. Walking to the line as she got behind the last person. Placing some hair behind her ear as she look next to her to only find Liam. Smiling at him as she decided to make a conversation.

"Hi Liam."

Liam look over at her as she could see he had sleepy eyes. He rub his nose before answering.

"Hey Demi."

Demi smiled at him before she asked her question.

"Couldn't sleep last night? "

Liam smile at her before answering her.

"Yeah i'm so tired."

"Yeah I get you. I couldn't sleep much either. "

They continue to make small talk as they line got shorter. Soon it was Liam turn as he told the lady his last name. She handed him his schedule and his ID as he smile at her before walking away. Demi smile at her as she did the same like Liam. Putting on her ID as the lady gave her the schedule. Looking at it as she walked away.

2.Algebra 1
3.World Geography
5. Creative writing
6. Art 1
7. English

Looking upwards as she saw Perrie already waiting for her. Walking to her as she hold on to her bag and paper.

"Perrie what are your classes?"

Perrie looked at Demi before looking at her paper.

" I have English, Biology, P.E., World Geography, Algebra 1, Art 1, and piano. Let me see yours."

Demi handed her the paper as Perrie look threw her classes as she smile.

"We might not have that many classes together but at least we have one."

Perrie smile at her as they continue to walk around the cafeteria. Demi notice how they had the hallways with posters with the number of the hallway.

That is going to be very useful.

She thought to herself before she heard the bell ringing. She look at Perrie as they said goodbye. Looking at her paper as she look at the number for the room. Walking pass the main office as a man with curly hair enter for his first interview.


He had woken up early and took a shower. Kendall woke up when he was in the shower and decided to make him breakfast. When he went down the stairs he could smell the food. Shortly after he was driving to the school, they had push his interview early as somebody cancelled their interview. Harry was dress in a dark suit with his curls pushed backwards. He walk up to the desk as he saw many people with papers walking around. He look around trying to find somebody that could help him get him to the room for the interview. He heard a soft voice that made him turn around quickly.

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