My Queen (Seimone Augustus)

Start from the beginning

Brittney looked at you one more time and saw you standing with Seimone, shifting her gently so you could carry her better. You walked off and Brittney left even more curious about you.



"Aren't you curious?"


Brittney smirked as Seimone frowned.

"But I'm not allowed-"

"Who tells their girlfriend they aren't allowed to go in a certain room?"

Seimone couldn't lie--she was very curious as to what you did for a living. You had an office that you told her not to go in and she respected you. She had never been in there.

"She'll be mad!"

"And if she puts her hands on you, I'll kill her."

Seimone swallowed and looked down to see your German Shepherd, Phenex, sitting there. He barked once before walking off. Not even he wanted to disobey.

Brittney took the key and opened the door, entering. Seimone followed and gasped. The office was modern in design and tastefully decorated in the colors black, white, and blue. She saw on the desk you had pictures of her and yourself. She smiled at seeing her favorite: it was one of you and her on her's mother porch in the swinging bench, cuddled together.

"Can you read Hebrew?"


She saw Brittney had sat at your desk and looked at the pile of files you had in a neat pile.


"Can you?'

"What are you two doing?"

Seimone jumped and turned slowly to see you standing at the doorway. You had your black duffle bag on one shoulder and an unimpressed look on your face. Seimone swallowed and walked over to you.


"We'll talk later for now, Brittney please out of my seat and no Seimone can't read Hebrew. She can speak it."

Seimone blushed as you walked around her and to your desk. Brittney stood.

"What is your job?"

"None of your business Brittney."

"Are you a killer?"

You laughed and Seimone could hear the anger behind it.


Brittney looked at Seimone.

"You need to go."

"Why? So she can hurt-"

"Brittney! Go!"

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