"I'm borrowing this!" He yells out.

"HEY! THAT'S MY BIKE!" She screams, her cerulean eyes lighting up with anger.

"I'LL GIVE IT BACK SOMEDAY!" He calls back.

She chases after him as he rides the bike to the next town.

Then a person stops him, "Hey, you, where is your ID?" Officer Jenny interrogates, a woman with indigo, unevenly cut short hair.

"Oh um here," he says handing her the pokedex.

"You may go, but I'm warning you. There are these two people and a meowth ,that could talk, that are stealing pokemon,"she warns.

"Um, Ms., can you take me to the pokemon center? A bunch of spearows attacked me and my friend," asks Ash.

"OH MY ARCEUS! Here get on my motorcycle!" She gasps, noticing the injured pikachu.

At the pokemon center

"Your pokemon are all-"


"WE GOT A POKEMON EMERGENCY!" Yells Officer Jenny as Ash puts Pikachu on the table.

"HOW COULD YOU!? DON'T YOU KNOW WHEN TO STOP BATTLING?!" Nurse Joy scolds. She had bubblegum pink, curly hair that reached her shoulders and electric blue eyes.

Ash shrunk back, scared, "I'm sorry..."


Ash flinches and looks at the ground, "I-I... Pikachu got attacked."

Nurse Joy stops and stares at the kid not knowing what to say, but then Jenny steps into the conversation.

"Will you calm down already? I appreciate how much you care about pokemon, but you didn't even let the kid explain. It wasn't his fault. A mob of spearows came and attacked him and the pikachu," Officer Jenny calmly explains.

"Oh...I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled..." apologizes Joy.

Ash looks up at Nurse Joy,  "It's OK. You had every right to jump to conclusions like that. I would've too."

Little did they know a certain red head was watching them.

"So he wasn't the reason the pokemon got hurt...he was protecting it...now I feel bad. Ooo~, I know I'll ask if I can go on a journey with him! Then I can make sure he is safe, and he will have a new friend," she whispers.

Then the roof broke and two people and a meowth jumped in.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" cried Nurse Joy.

(Skipping their introduction)

"Hey you're those people that are stealing pokemon!"Officer Jenny accuses.

"But why are you here? All of these pokemon are injured," Nurse Joy pries, "There aren't any rare pokemon."

Ash walks up to team rocket. "What do you mean by special pokemon?" Asks Ash, "All pokemon are rare. Each one of them is unique."

"Meowth, shut this twerp up," says James.

"FURRY SWIPES!" growls Meowth as he scratches Ash's face.

"Ow!" Ash cries in pain.

Pikachu who hears his friend in pain runs out from the emergency room,"TAKE THIS!"

He uses thunderbolt, sending Team Rocket flying.

"Pikachu, you're all better!" Ash grins.

Pikachu and Ash hug.

"It must really trust him," Nurse Joy notes.

"He," Ash corrects.

"Huh?" They all question except for Ash and Pikachu.

"Pikachu is a he," Ash replies.

They all laugh except for Ash and Pikachu as they blink in confusion.


Everyone turns to the person.

"Can I join you on your journey? My name's Misty Waterflower," Misty introduces herself.

"Um, sure. My name's Ash, and this is my friend, Pikachu," Ash raises an eyebrow.

"Yay!" Misty cheers.

"Bye! Have fun, you three" Nurse Joy waves.

"Bye Ash, bye Pikachu! Stay safe, and, Misty, make sure you treat them well!" Officer Jenny chuckles.

They all smile.

"I promise I will," Misty promises.

Then the trio walk out to start their new journey together.

Next time on Pokémon, the trio goes to Viridian Forest, and Ash makes a new friend. See you next time.

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