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third person POV

The silence is excruciating. Every solemn breath echos around the room like a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode. No one dares to say a word, words only ruin things. Their whole group is already falling apart. Everything is breaking, and there's no way to stop everything from crumbling through their fingertips into millions of discarded fragments.

The tall brown haired boy simply sits there, stroking the lion toy while staring at the floor. He's never felt so guilty in his entire life. Upon telling the news to his friends, the whole room had slipped into an unkind quietness. He hates it, but then again, he hadn't expected for them to take in the news with glee.

Seokjin is the first to break the deathly silence, his eyes become glassy as he leans into Namjoon's embrace. "You're moving back in with your parents?"

Taehyung can do nothing but subconsciously nod, keeping his eyes glued to the floor as everyone remains quiet. "It's the only way," he speaks lowly, glancing up at the five saddened boys, one being more shocked than the others, "I leave in a few days."

Yoongi shakes his head, trying his best to keep his voice as stable as possible. "You c-can't just leave," he mumbles sadly, hearing Min Yoongi so sad and full of dispair is a rare occurrence. Taehyung nods and Yoongi shakes his head again, standing up from the couch where he and Jimin are sat shoulder to shoulder. "What about me?" Yoongi growls and grabs the nearest bottle he can find and pries it open, taking a long swig of the putrid liquid. No one can blame him, it's how he was raised, to think that alcohol takes all the pain away.

"Yoongs, I need to do this, it's the only way-"

"To what? To forget? Taehyung, you're never going to fucking forget! Never! Leaving is not the answer, please," Yoongi begs, slamming the half filled bottle onto the table that ultimately makes the room flinch. Taehyung shakes his head once again, "I'll call you everyday-"

"I don't need you to fucking call me! You're not leaving!" The older growls, grabbing his keys and coat, slipping on his shoes. Taehyung knew the silver haired boy would behave like this. Yoongi was always good at hiding his feelings, but in a few emotional circumstances, he can snap. Taehyung and Yoongi have always been best friends, always. Taehyung had helped Yoongi with his anxiety and Yoongi had helped Taehyung with his parent problems. Yoongi couldn't believe his ears when he had told the group that he was crawling back to those monsters.

"Wait, where are you going?" Jimin asks worryingly, observing as the fuming boy charges towards his front door. Jimin stands up and trails behind him but Yoongi stops him, "I'm gonna fix this." No one really understands what he means, they all have the idea that he is going to Jungkook, a plan that seems so pointless since the boy hadn't opened the door of his apartment in over two weeks. Yoongi plants a quick peck on Jimin's cheek, stroking the boy's newly dyed black hair as he stares into his eyes. "Watch the house, I'll be back soon." Jimin wants to protest but can do nothing but nod under the silver haired boy's serious gaze.

The silver haired boy slams the door shut, letting the crisp air attack his pale skin leaving goosebumps to form. He breathes out a cloud of fog only proving the cold and unbearable frost that still lingers. He wonders if the younger will even be awake, after all, it's getting pretty late. But something within him says otherwise. After hearing of all the stories Taehyung had told about Jungkook's nightmares and panic attacks, he's suspects he's wide awake, alone.

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