country side

163 18 2

third person POV

"It'll be fine, just calm down." Jungkook has to remind his lover yet again to keep breathing and to stay relaxed, nervousness has corrupted him making him shaky and worried. The younger reaches over and lays his hand on Taehyung's lap, the older not even sparing him a glance, eyes too focused on the road ahead.

The pair had cleaned up quite nicely; simple black pants and dress shirts that have been properly ironed to perfection. Nothing too fancy but enough to prove to Taehyung's parents that he is a completely composed individual who's focused on a succeful future. Little do his parents know that he also plans to spend his future with another by whom they'll never accept.

"Jungkook, I'm really nervous," Taehyung wheezes out, fingers curling tightly around the steering wheel, knuckles turning a blend of whites and pinks. Calling Jungkook by his real name only indicates his nerves and how real they must be. Jungkook lets out a heavy sigh, head rolling to the side to look out of the passenger side window, the world passing by at light speed. The city becoming nothing more than a blur, the beautiful green valleys of the country side coming into plain sight.

He loves it here. He detests the city with a passion, he enjoys the country side much more; how beautifully simple everything seems to be, how bright and colourful, fresh and exciting. Aside from the smell--which wouldn't be that hard to get used to--everything is absolutely perfect. One day he'll move out here, hopefully not alone.

"I know, I know..." He breathes out, eyes glancing over at Taehyung as the older bites his lip harshly, almost to the point of drawing tangy red blood. "Look, Tae, horses!" Jungkook screams suddenly, body rising off the seat to receive a better look at the majestic creatures as they zoom past.

Taehyung glances at his boyfriend, the lip biting has come to an end and now his curious look rests on the other. "You like horses?" He asks, voice lighter than his previous fearful one. Jungkook smiles widely, revealing the bunny teeth that the older loves so dearly. "I love horses, we should ride them one day. I'm sure there's a horseback riding place somewhere," he exclaims, eyes darting back to receive one last glance at the animals.

Taehyung chuckles, soft and quiet, as he observes how excited the younger looks. "I know what you're doing," Taehyung says, eyes trying to stay focused on the road while taking small little looks to peek at a smiling face. "What am I doing?" Jungkook asks, already knowing the answer himself. "You're trying to distract me." Jungkook lets out a soft laugh, dainty fingers finding their way to scratch at plain nails that have been cleared of any fancy coating, "I was that obvious, huh?"

Taehyung smiles, "little bit," he teases, another chuckle leaving his lips before his eyes become completely entranced by the road ahead. The car descends into a comfortable silence; Jungkook continues to pick at plain nails while Taehyung drives them to their destination.

"Thanks for being here for me," Taehyung mumbles after the long silent pause, the quietness broken by his somber voice, so calming and natural. Jungkook smiles, rubbing Taehyung's shoulder softly, "thanks for letting me." Jungkook becomes distracted yet again when they begin to pass more animals; cows, pigs, horses. It isn't a lie that he enjoys the country side, actually it is quite obvious to anyone with a working pair of eyes.

"You really like it out here, don't you?" Taehyung asks the obvious, taking small glances at the excited younger. "I love it. I want to live around here in the future, away from the city," Jungkook explains, keeping his eyes glued to the scenery. Taehyung hums and glances at the large sized houses with acres of open land to his left side, "you want to live in houses like those?" He asks signalling to the structures.

Jungkook shakes his head, "no," he says and trials off, "more like that one," he exclaims and point to the small run-down house to his right; white wooden siding coating the tiny place, paint scratching off in differnt areas, just enough land for a nice patio with a canopy and maybe a gazebo. "I only bought a big apartment since I thought it would ease my lonliness, turns out it only made me feel more empty. If I had a tiny home just for the security of two bodies I don't think I'd ever be lonely again," Jungkook explains, leaning back in his seat a little more.

Jungkook sighs happily watching the house zip by, resting his head into the padding of the seat, allowing the heat blasting out of the vents to warm the usual chill in his bones. "Can't you imagine it? A tiny, quaint place just for ourselves. We could have old antique furniture, vintage style with pastel colours all around." Taehyung smiles as he watches his boyfriend's eyes glow, wide and alive with excitement. He smiles more at the fact that he is saying 'we'.

"Maybe we could get one of those cushioned swings in the backyard. Animals could visit everyday, and we could feed them with spare vegetables that we could grow. Oh, and maybe we could have a dog, I've always loved dogs," the younger rambles on, cheerfully bouncing up and down at all the magical thoughts swarming through his head, a relief from all the bad ones that usually tend to drown his mind in sorrows.

"What about children?"

Jungkook clearly tenses at Taehyung's question, eyes widening slightly as his breaths become heavy and separated. He closes his eyes tight and turns away. "Of course I want children, but..." He replies but trails off, not wanting to finish. "But?" Taehyung pesters softly, noticing Jungkook's uncomfortable state.

Jungkook turns to Taehyung, eyes glassy and lip being bitten by bunny teeth. "How am I supposed to take care of my own children if I can't even take care of myself?"

Taehyung's gaze stays locked onto Jungkook, a saddened look plastered on his face that only minutes ago carried worry. The older reaches over and grasps Jungkook's hand that rested delicately upon his knee, Jungkook looks up and stares at the older. "You're not in this alone, I'll always be here to take care of you and as many family members as we decide to have," Taehyung tells him, eyes only glancing at the open roads ahead, empty as the evening draws nearer.

Jungkook smiles, "so you really want kids too? I didn't think you would," he asks, keeping a faint grip onto Taehyung's hand that wraps so securely and pleasantly around his own. For once the older's hands aren't covered in different paints. Taehyung chuckles, "of course! You know, I'm great with kids," he exclaims, smoothing Jungkook's hand with his thumb before pulling away.

Jungkook giggles, squirming in his seat at the thought of spending his future with his favourite person, how he'll always be there for him and support him and he'll do the same in return. Just the idea of talking about the topic makes his insides bubble with excitement, butterflys flying in such a swirling way.

So that's what the pair do, for the rest of the two hour car drive through the country side; they talk about their future and how great it's going to be.


I'm not even gonna try to theorize for Wings anymore..
I thought the next one was gonna be Mama Jin but NoOoOoOooo Bighit just had to screw with me!!
I'm not really upset though, Min Yoongi is a perfect surprise :)

rain [taekook] DISCONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora