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Jungkook POV

Tears stain my pillow as my pounding head lifts up from the comfort of my warm bed, shielding me from my cold room. Looks like I cried myself to sleep once again, my cheeks still feel red and puffy and my eyes feel raw and sore. I sit up on my bed and hug my large white pillow as I lean my chin against the top. Why does this happen almost every night? Why can't I just have a peaceful rest? If I don't wake from crying then I wake up from a sudden nightmare. Dream is a foreign term to me.

I stand up and let my tiny feet glide across the icy floors. I walk out into my living room and have to hop over crumpled up pieces of paper from late nights of writing and scribbling, my mind still remains blank and emptied of ideas. I walk over to my kitchen counter as I grab my phone, I groan as I notice the missed texts.

Goooood morninnnng :)
Sent 11:02am

How r u?!
Sent 11:03am

Doing anything today?
Sent 11:04am

If ur not then I have an idea...
Sent 11:04am

I smile as I read through the texts. He actually wants to see me, he's actually trying to get to know me, he wants to spend time with me. Usually I'm the one clinging onto people, looking for someone who won't hurt me or leave me, now he's the one doing that to me. I like clingy people.

I'm fine, also I'm not doing much today, just
writing I suppose.
Read 11:06

The text shows that he's read it but he hasn't started texting back yet, I lay my phone back on the kitchen counter and I'm about to walk away to go get changed when it starts to buzz and ring. He's calling me.

I hesitantly pick the phone up off of the counter and hover my finger over the awnser button, I finally press it and bring the device closer to my ear.

"Hello?" I croak out and immediately clear my throat since it's sore from sobbing all night long.

"Your voice is so cute in the morning, bunny," his low voice rings through the phone and makes me gulp nervously. I chuckle as I listen to his deep laugh that somehow blends with mine that's a little higher in pitch.

"So what's up?" I ask and try to remain calm though really I'm shaking in fear and my knees feel too weak to support my trembling body. I haven't had a phone call besides from Jimin in years, it feels weird doing it now.

"Nothing much," he says nonchalantly and I hear him clear his throat. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over today and meet my friends. I promise they're very sweet and all different from Yoongi." My smile fades. Meeting more people? I'll die. I can't, I'll be a quivering mess.


I hate myself. I hate myself so much. I run my cold hand down my now heated face as I hear Taehyung cheer from the other side of the call. "Great, see you in twenty minutes?"  I hum in response as the call ends. I groan and slam my phone on the table as I trudge around my house and prepare to get ready. This is going to be a long day.


I walk down the somewhat crowded streets, people push past me as they hustle to their different locations. I glance up occasionally to make sure I'm going the right way but other than that I keep my head low and my eyes diverted elsewhere.

I arrive at Taehyung's apartment in a matter of minutes, I find myself pacing a bit before finally gaining the sliver of courage that I am able to present to knock on the door. I wait and rock back and forth on heels as the door finally opens wide and Taehyung appears with a content grin. Without a greeting me he hauls me into the house while smiling like a lunatic. An adorable lunatic.

We walk to his living room and I stop dead in my track as I notice three people sitting on the brown couch, one has familiar mint hair while the other two remain a mystery. "Guys, I'd like you to meet Jungkook," Taehyung says and all eyes immediately turn to me. A tall boy wearing a pink sweater stands up, he has a mature look though his smile is full of youth and liveliness.

"Hello, Jungkook. I'm Seokjin, it's nice to meet you," he says formally and holds out his hand for me to shake it. I give him a nervous nod while presenting the most courageous smile I can.

The next boy stands up and walks over, he just seems full of youth all together with his hopeful smile, dazzling eyes, and cheerful body language. He hops infront of me making me take a step back. "I'm Hoseok," he exclaims making me flinch, this guy seems like he has quite a lot of energy. He starts chuckling and pats my shoulder in a reassuring way, "relax, kid. Yoongi was right, you're too tense, lighten up a bit," he says and I nod and let out a calming sigh.

"Told ya," Yoongi says from the couch with a cocky smirk making Taehyung glare at him. "What? I'm just speaking my mind," he claims and Taehyung rolls his eyes at his friend. I smile thinking about how similar their relationship is to mine and Jimin's, were both opposites that fit together, it looks like the same type of predicament with these two.

"Oh my god, he does look like a bunny," Seokjin squeals and pinches my cheeks making me giggle, he seems so caring and sweet, for some reason I'm not as jumpy around him as I am with the others. "Come on guys, let's go to the park," Hoseok suggests and starts jumping around making the others laugh at him. "Calm down, Hopie," Seokjin pesters while chuckling.

"Are you okay with going to the park, it's not that far from here," Taehyung whispers and turns to me. I nod, "Sure, I know where it is anyways, I used to go there a lot when I was a kid," I explain and he tilts his head to the side. "You grew up around here?" He asks and I shrug, "I moved here to live with my aunt when I was about eight years old."

"Woah, that's weird, I grew up here too. I moved away when I was about twelve or thirteen when my dad got a job promotion but I always loved it here so I came back to live here just a few months ago," he explains and I listen attentively.

"Strange how we've never met before since we both lived here when we were young," Taehyung says and I nod but my thoughts are elsewhere. Fates will never collide. We spent our youth togtether yet never interacted, at least, not that I can remember.

We grab our belongings and the five of us walk out into the busy streets, my mind still clouded with thoughts.

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