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Jungkook POV

"What do you think it means?" He asks and tugs at my sleeve as we continue walking down the street. "I think it means that you're over thinking things," I say quietly with a small smirk as I keep my head low and eyes glued to my feet like always. "Am not," he whines and crosses his arms.

"Jimin, it was a winking emoji, Yoongi sent you a simple winking emoji, there's nothing more to it."

He pouts and shows me his phone screen. "It wasn't just a simple winking emoji, it was two simple winking emojis. It has to mean something, Jungkook," he explains and points to his screen and spins around, his newly dyed orange hair sways loosely in the wind. I chuckle at my strange best friend as we continue walking. "Just ask him when we get there," I say.

We're both on our way to Taehyung's place, we've been going there a lot for a little over two weeks, I go to see every one of the guys while Jimin goes specifically to see the mint haired boy. I find it cute.

We arrive in matter of minutes, I'm glad all of our houses are close to each other since I'm not too fond on exercise which includes walking for long periods of time. We knock and it only takes seconds for the door to open, Taehyung opens the door while presenting his unique smile. I always get butterflies every time I see it.

"Hey guys, come on in," Taehyung greets us as we stumble into his welcoming home and into the living room where all the others are sitting. "Mmm, what's that smell, it's delicious," I say and sniff around the air. Seokjin jumps up from the couch and grabs my hand and drags me into the kitchen. "I'm making lunch," he says as he drags me towards the stove, I walk past Taehyung and notice him eyeing us, he's been like this for about a week now, always staring at how friendly Seokjin is towards me.

"Here, taste this," he says and shoves some sort of vegetable spiced stew into my mouth without me even saying a word, I swallow it and hum in delight. "Wow, even better than your last, hyung," I say and he smiles gleefully. I hear someone cough from the doorway and we both turn to see Taehyung there leaning against the doorframe. "Are you guys done yet?" He asks impatiently and I see Seokjin roll his eyes as he walks past Taehyung to enter the living room, Taehyung waits for me as we both walk back to everyone else.

"Is something wrong?" I whisper to him and he shakes his head. "No, not at all, bunny," he mumbles with a small smile. He walks ahead of me while I remain confused. I walk in and notice Jimin playing some sort of game with Hoseok while Yoongi sits there with his arms crossed, Jimin doesn't notice the dirty looks the mint haired buy is giving him but I sure do. Is that what jealousy looks like? The look in Yoongi's eyes resembles the one in Taehyung's.

I push the thought aside and sit next to Seokjin on the couch but he quickly pulls me onto his lap and I giggle softly. He's been treating me like a little baby for weeks now, I don't object, I find it quite enjoyable that he likes to treat me in a caring way. "Hey, I was looking at my phone earlier and I saw that there's this big booksale not too far from here," Jimin speaks up and glances at me and I smile widely.

"Really?" I notice that I'm not the only who who said that, Taehyung and I said it in unison, his low voice and my soft voice blend together in perfect harmony and makes my cheeks flush. "We should go," Seokjin says and we both stand up. Yoongi groans, "I'm too tired to go out," he complains and Jimin stands up and hauls the mint haired boy to his feet, Yoongi smiles and ultimately agrees to go. Seokjin grabs my hand as we both run towards the door with the others trailing behind us.

I walk outside and Seokjin leaves my side to talk to Hoseok about something so I'm left walking along the sidewalk all alone. I hate the growing crowd of the busy streets, this neighbourhood is too filled with people. I keep my eyes glued to my feet and my head bowed completely, I can hear the others laughing and joking around with each other, all ignoring me.

Suddenly I feel someone brush past my shoulder and stop by my side, I turn to see Taehyung, he tilts his head to the side and gives me a sympathetic look, "you okay? You seem uncomfortable." I nod and glance up at him. "I-I'm fine," I lie and he nods and is about to walk ahead but I grab his hand with my smaller ones, dainty fingers wrapping around long ones.

"Can you, um, w-walk with m-me?"

I see his smile grow, somehow his careful eyes relax my tense shoulders. "Of course," he mumbles and I find myself walking closer to him when a couple passes by, talking loudly towards each other in some sort of argument. I flinch at each harsh word they throw at each other.

Taehyung gently drapes his arm over my trembling shoulders and pulls me closer as the people pass, my eyes widen and cheeks go from a light pink to a deep red. "Relax, bunny, I won't let anything hurt you." I don't know why but that single statement calms me, I no longer feel uncomfortable. Instead I lean into his sturdy shoulder the whole ten minute walk to the book store, not regarding the odd stares from passing people and not regretting it one bit.

rain [taekook] DISCONTINUED जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें