corrupting lies

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Taehyung POV

"Medicine, medicine, medicine," I mumble as I speed down the isles of the store, only one thought in my head. I grab different bottles and boxes and cradle them in my arms as I make it to the front of the store, out of breath. The cashier eyes me weirdly as he checks in my few items. I pay him the designated amount of money and then stuff all the items in a plastic bag as I rush out of the store.

I jog down the street, trying desperately to squeeze past the growing crowd of people. Everytime I accidently bump into someone, I quickly bow my head and apologize, a little kindness can go a long way sometimes. The thought of my favourite person suffering in his couch makes my feet move faster, my breaths escalating and chest rising and falling at an alarming rate. Sprinting would be an understatement. As I make it to Jungkook's apartment complex I notice someone else walking in before me.

"Jimin?" I say and grab his attention, he turns to me and studies my exhausted exterior. "Hey," he says and holds the door for me to walk in too, he can't help but stare at the bag filled with different types of pills and liquids. "Jungkook's sick, he didn't have any medicine," I explain and he nods. "So you decided to clean out the whole store?" He asks sarcastically and I roll my eyes, then I notice how saddened he looks. His usual cheerful appearance replaced by a gloomy aura.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I ask even though I know that it's probably not, he shakes his head. "That's why I'm here, usually when something's on my mind I'll just talk to Jungkookie." He sighs and rubs the back of his neck. "I made a stupid mistake," he breathes out as we both enter the elevator, I stay silent and let him continue.

"Hoseok confessed." My eyes widened, I never thought he had those feeling towards guys, especially toward Jimin. "I turned him down. I love Yoongi and nothing can change that... but..."

"But what?" I ask after he trails off. He sighs again, "he said that if I wasn't going to return his feelings that he at least deserved a kiss on the cheek..." I shake my head knowing where this is going. "He saw," Jimin breathes out as we exit the elevator, tears dwelling up in his eyes. "He's locked himself in his house for days now, he's trying to drink his sorrows away but it's only making him angrier. He won't listen to me... I don't know what to do..." I pat his back and give him a reassuring smile. "Yoongi isn't the type of person to react like that... if he's doing all this that means he really cares for you, it means that he needs something to distract himself from the thought of you. He loves you, just because you made one mistake doesn't mean he's stopped. He's just hurt right now."

Jimin breaks out into a smile, tears still evident in his eyes. "Thanks, Tae," he says and I wrap my arm over his shoulder as we make it to Jungkook's front door. "No problem, shorty." He laughs while I open the door that I left unlocked.

"Bunny, Jimin's here," I yell and wait for a small groan or something. Nothing. "Jungkook?" I say loudly. No response. He must be sleeping, I'm glad he's getting a little bit of rest even in his uncomfortable state. I smile as I trot over to the living, toward the couch. I expected to see my sleeping angel, curled up into his usual ball possition that makes him seem so much smaller than he is, instead I am met by a lump of blankets and pillows.

Panic rushes through my veins. Like misplacing the most precious item in my possession and not having a single clue where it is and how to find it. "What's wrong?" Jimin asks as I shoot him a nervous glance. "He's... he was right here when I left," I say and point to the couch. "Relax, he probably went back to his bedroom," Jimin says as we both walk to the kitchen. I let out a deep breath and nod, trying to trust his words. I have to stop worrying over him so much. I lay the bag on the table right next to my phone that I must have forgotten to take to the store, that's when I notice the note.

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