winter hymnal

183 24 4

third person POV

Jungkook sits happily on the floor, crosslegged, next to the brightly lit Christmas tree, staring up at the magnificent creation. A smile is placed at his lips as he studies his beautifully decorated house, and how soon, it's going to be the host of a small Christmas Eve party for his friends. He's never had friends to spend the holidays with before, usually he and Jimin would get each other simple gifts and spend the days together doing festive activities, that is, until Jimin has to travel home to see his parents and Jungkook is left alone.

He suddenly feels warm arms wrap around his body as he is pulled into another's embrace, a soft kiss is planted in the crook of his neck. "Are you excited?" Taehyung asks, planting another kiss that's closer to his jawline. "Of course, I can't wait," he murmurs quietly as another kiss is planted on his cheek.

Suddenly, they hear a few knocks on the door making Jungkook jump to his feet, excitement coursing through his veins. He rushes over to the door just as Yoongi and Jimin walk in. He spots Jimin and jumps into his arms and, as per usual, he hugs him back tightly. "Hey, babe, merry Christmas Eve," he mumbles into his shoulder, the younger's feet dangling off the ground. He sets him down and Jungkook runs back into the apartment with the couple slowly following behind him.

"Let's get drunk!" Yoong shouts heading into the kitchen. Taehyung walks with him and rolls his eyes. "Let's not!" He shouts back in the same enthusiastic tone. Jungkook grabs Jimin's hand and brings him over towards the Christmas tree where they sit in Jungkook's previous spot on the floor.

"The tree still looks so pretty," Jimin exclaims and twists one of the artificial green branches with his fingers. "Yeah..." Jungkook mumble, wanting to talk to him about something else but not really wanting to bring it up. Jimin turns to him anyways, knowing what it is.

"You haven't done it yet, have you?" He asks quietly so the two in kitchen can't hear. Jungkook shakes his head slowly, eyes focussed on the ground. "I'll do it later," he answers back making him sigh. "I seriously don't understand why you do this every Christmas Eve," he tells him like he's been telling him for the past ten years. "I don't understand either," he mumbles back, laying his head on Jimin's shoulder as the twinkling lights of the tinsel covered tree grab his attention, capturing his eyes with its enchanted beauty.

"Knock, knock, knock. I'm here, the party can finally get started!" A cheerful voice calls out as the front door opens, belonging to none other than Jung Hoseok. "Shut up, Hoe." That voice clearly belongs to Min Yoongi. Yoongi and Hoseok are now on safer grounds, the younger had applologized many, many times to the couple and Jimin had convinced Yoongi to forgive him.

Seconds later the door opens again revealing two more taller figures, both simply smiling and holding hands. "Hey kids," the older of the pair announces. Jungkook stands up and runs away from Jimin and towards the door to greet everyone, he spots Seokjin standing by the door and immediately hugs him, the older pats his back as he hugs back, happily having no more romantic feelings towards him making this hug all the more special.

They both pull away, "Hi, Kookie," Seokjin says, smiling. "Hi, hyung," Jungkook answers back, doing just the same.

The seven boys spread throughout the large decorative apartment, laughing and drinking whilst listening to the soft Christmas music in the background. Jungkook spends his time with Jimin and Hoseok as they both continue to outwit each other, their friendship on a much more mutual level now. Taehyung stays in the kitchen, drinking with Yoongi and Namjoom while trying to ignore Seokjin with all his might, even though Jungkook wants them to be friends again, that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

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