stand by you

161 24 9

third person POV

It appeared almost as a castle. Stone and brick blended with a subtle dark wood, a path of pure crushed stone leading to two giant wooden doors with silver handles, unrusted. Patches of flowers spread everywhere, freshly placed daisies grabbed the younger's attention while the bush of roses grabbed the older's. The driveway felt longer than both of their streets combined, the long stretch of pavement leading to the mansion of a house at the end.

The pair park the car by the dazzling fountain that spews out clean spring water, quite a magical sight. Taehyung brushes off his clothing, smoothing out the wrinkled attire before his hands reach up to pat his hair neatly. Jungkook giggles softly, rubbing Taehyung's arm in the most discreet way, "you look fine." Taehyung displays zero emotion as he nods, walking ahead of the younger towards the familiar house that presents so many terrible memories. Jungkook is shocked, he had never witnessed such a grand structure, he couldn't believe his own eyes upon their arrival.

Taehyung sighs deeply, a cloud of fog arising upon his exhale into the crisp December air, before ringing the doorbell causing faint chimes to sound within the house. Jungkook pats Taehyung shoulder briefly, this being the last oppurtunity to share skin-ship before entering the doors. After a few light footsteps are heard, the doors open rather grandly, revealing a poised looking woman with perfect posture behind them.

She smiles widely at the tall, handsome boy before her, not even noticing the sheepish bunny that hides behind him. "Mom~" Taehyung exclaims, capturing his mother in a long yet quite uncomfortable hug, the pair have never been too close. His mother pulls away and smiles at him, "ah, Taehyung, you're becoming more like your father every day," she claims, pinching the boy's rosy cheeks. Taehyung swallows the lump in his throat, he wouldn't quite take that as a compliment but he smiles and nods none of the less.

His mother's focus now shifts onto the awkward boy standing afar, eyes focused on the ground and fingers numbly picking at plain nails. "Taehyung-ah, who's this?" His mother asks making Jungkook look up like a deer caught in headlights, Taehyung smiles--a real smile that he hasn't presented since he stood foot on this property.

"Mom, this Jungkook, my-" he swallows deeply, clearing his throat in a non-obvious way, "my friend."

Taehyung's mother smiles sweetly at Jungkook causing the boy to become nervous due to her fierce gaze, he smiles and bows slightly in a respectful manner. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kim," he says, glancing at the woman's intense appearance before his eyes become drawn to his shoes once again. The woman and smiles and ushers both of the boys inside, wrapping her arm around Jungkook causing the boy to flinch ever so slightly, alarming a worried Taehyung that cannot do anything but stare. "Taehyung-ah, why didn't you tell me you invited a guest? We could have cleaned up the place a bit better," his mother scolds softly, referring to the spectacular house with priceless furniture with an enchanting gold and silver theme that brings both of the boys' houses to shame.

"It's a beautiful house, Mrs. Kim, I-I don't see how it could get any neater," Jungkook says quietly, his eyes glancing around at his surroundings, the crystal chandelier casting a white glow onto the area. The woman laugh slightly, "well aren't you sweet. He's a lot nicer than your previous friends, Taehyung-ah," she states, turning to Taehyung who's focus is still on Jungkook, he nods numbly.

The trio walk through two hallways and a living room before entering a grand looking dining room; a long oak table placed in the centre of the room that could seat twelve but will only seat four today. A tall man sits on a padded-chair at the end of the large, narrow table. Hands clasped together, fingers intertwined. Once the man notices his son he immediately stands and approaches him. "Taehyung," he states, outstretching his hand and waiting for the boy to do the same. Taehyung smiles meaninglessly before doing so, his father gripping his hand too hard for his liking.

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