ocean view

247 27 2

Jungkook POV

"Woah," I breath out involuntarily at the sight before me. Taehyung smiles at me with his unique grin as my eyes scan the magical area. A sea of salty water floods the area past where the human eye can see, a large cliff hangs above the crashing blue waves with an empty lot for parking cars, there's a small bench at the edge of the cliff that looks like it has a great view of the ocean. Overall, it's a beautiful place.

"Come on, it's better up close," Taehyung says with his deep voice as he opens his door, I open mine and keep my eyes locked on the unimaginable landscape infront of me. Words can't even begin to describe the fresh salty smell, the powerful spring breeze, and the way the sun bounces off the dark and mysterious waters.

"Great, isn't it?" Taehyung says and sighs and I nod and glance at him as we begin walking over to the cliff. "Incredible, actually. I've never been this close to an ocean before," I murmur in all honesty and he glances at me with wide eyes. We both sit down on the bench at the edge of the cliff as we stare down at the crashing blue waves that would sweep me away in a heartbeat.

"You haven't? Never?" He asks astonished and I shrug, "I think I've been near one when I was very young with my parents but I don't remember, other than that I've never been close to a bed of water this wide and vast." He nods at my words and hums letting me know he's listening. He does this a lot, humming, I think it's great, at least I know that he's always paying attention and that makes me wierdly happy. "I'm glad I can be here for your first time--well maybe first time, it makes me happy to see you happy," he says and I smile but then my smile slowly fades.

"Why do you care what happens to me so much?" I suddenly ask and his eyebrows knit together in confusion. "What are you talking about?" He asks, worry and concern clear in his tone though he hides it with a light chuckle.

"I've told you my story, I've told you about my past. No one in my life cared for me, no one cares for me now. Why do you? I'm just a waste of your time. I d-don't know if you're j-just trying to be nice, p-protect the little eighteen year old so you can c-crush him later t-type of thing. I guess I'm just c-confused," I manage to choke out and he stares at me with wide eyes and his jaw drops as I hug my arms and stare out at the sea. The waves are so powerful.

"Jungkook," he starts in a soft tone, his voice cracking. "I'm right, a-aren't I?" I breath out and then something sudden happens. For once he becomes rough with me, he grabs both my small shoulders and physically turns me towards him, he leans his face close to mine so they are only inches apart, he stares into my teary eyes and I stare into his soothing ones.

"You're wrong."

The words roll so honestly off his tongue, like they have a deeper meaning that I can't even begin to comprehend. I stare at him for awhile, a neutral look on my face. "I really do care about you, Jungkook, more than you think."

Time passes by quickly. We don't say much more to each other, we simply sit in silence. Every time he tries to start a conversation I quickly get distracted by the ocean views, it's just beautiful. Being distracted also gives me a good opertunity to think about what Taehyung had said awhile ago. He cares about me? Why would he want to do that? I'll just disappoint him just like how I disappoint everyone else.

It's all a gimmick.

He doesn't care.

You could jump off this cliff right now and he wouldn't stop you.

He's just a stranger.

A very clingy stranger.

With a cute smile.

And bright eyes.

And perfectly tanned skin.


He may look calming and trustworthy but he's not.

Don't fall for the trick, Jungkook. Don't hurt yourself over nothing.

"Bunny?" I hear a panicked voice beside me just as another tear rolls down my cheek, I hardly noticed that I was crying. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?" He asks and my hands immediately shoot up to my face as I turn away from him quickly and wipe my tears, the little movements making my head pound even more.

"I-I'm fine," I say in a chocked voice, I clear my throat and use the ends of my sleeve to wipe the remaining toxic waters off of my cheeks. Suddenly I feel a soft touch on my cheek, just under my eye. Taehyung wipes a falling tear and stares at me, not with a worrying gaze, more with an understanding look. I smile slightly at his stare, I hate it when people look at me as being fragile, he's giving me a look like he understands, like he knows what I'm going through, what I've went through. Only he doesn't.

"We should get going," his deep and comforting voice breaks the silence and the mesmerizing eye contact. "Aren't the guys coming over to your place tonight? Movie night, right?" He says and I nod hesitantly, I forgot I agreed to host a movie night at my place. Yoongi had suggested hanging at my place regularly now since my home is much larger than the others'. Larger yet emptier.

"Come on," Taehyung says quietly and grabs my hand as he helps me off the bench. I smile at the fact that he doesn't let go the whole walk back to the car.

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