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Jungkook POV

Popcorn. Check.

Blankets. Check.

Pillows. Check.

A whole variety of movies. Check.

Everything's set for tonight. Taehyung helps me move all of the stuff into my living room as I set up a heaping pile of fuzzy blankets and plush pillows just bellow the front of the couch, facing the TV. I like it when the guys come over, there's nothing awkward around us anymore, we're all just simply good friends. Firends. I never thought I'd have so many.

I haul over a chair and stand on top of it so I can grab the food in the cupboard that I bought yesterday so it looked like I actually had food in my large household. I grab several bags of chips, a few boxes of cookies, and many packages of microwavable popcorn, I balance them in my arms as I try to look down at the floor and then to my feet making sure I don't fall. The chair wobbles a bit causing me to loose my stability, I rock a bit and a package of cookies slips out of my grasp. But they don't hit the floor, I feel a hand grab my calf as his other hand catches the cookies with ease.

"Careful," Taehyung chuckles and I smile. "I'm always careful," I shoot back and he cocks a brow and looks up at me with a devilish smirk. "Is that so?" He says and let's go of my leg causing me to wobble once again, another food item falls but he catches it as he grabs my leg again. "So much for careful," he teases and I pout and jump down from the chair and lay all of the food on the kitchen table. I put the popcorn in the microwave just as I hear a knock at the door, three figures stumble in all of them laughing and pushing each other.

"Hey, hey, hey," Hoseok exclaims as he walks into the kitchen, his attention gets drawn the microwave as he sees the popcorn popping frantically. "Mmm, my favourite food in the world next to... well, every other food," he says and starts picking through the other snacks displayed on the table. I look over and see Yoongi and Jimin getting comfy on the pile of blankets on and around the couch as they skim through channels on TV.

Two more figures walk into my home holding hands and smiling secretly to each other. "Hey kids," Seokjin says as he detaches hands with Namjoon so he can go to the living room. "Hi," I say and he smiles at me, like usual, his warm and caring grin makes me smile too.

"Anything I can do to help?" He asks and eyes all the food in the middle of the table. "Not really," Taehyung mumbles lowly and crosses his arms, I observe his odd behaviour before tuning back to Seokjin, "actually you can help me grab a few more blankets from my room," I say and he nods as we both leave the kitchen and walk down my hallway. He doesn't pay much attention to the pictures in the picture frames on the walls and I'm thankful.

We walk into my bedroom and he follows me to my closet where I begin searching for more blankets. I see Seokjin at the corner of my eye, he's staring at something on the ground next to my bed. "Isn't that Taehyung's shirt?" He asks plainly and I follow his gaze towards the shirt. Well shit.

"Um... n-no, i-it's mine," I stutter and he nods, clearly unconvinced. Suddenly he slowly steps closer and I step back as an instinct, he continues to walk forward and I continue to walk back until my back hits the wall and we're only inches apart. My eyes widen as I swallow nervously. "Don't get too close to him," he states in a soft yet harsh tone. I stare at him in a mixture of confusion and fear, "w-why?" I ask.

"He's not who he says he is."

Those words are nonsense to me. I trust Taehyung more than I trust myself and my own mind-boggling thoughts. I stare at Seokjin and blink a few times, he doesn't move and that makes me squirm slightly, he notices my nervous and panicky nature and actually smiles pleasingly before backing up. Taehyung wouldn't have smiled knowing that I was uncomfortable.

"Come on, wouldn't want to keep everyone waiting," he says cheerfully as he grabs a stack of blankets and walks out of the room. I stare at the door and then back to the shirt then back to my closet and then to my door again, okay I'm really confused. Never the less I grab a few blankets and follow him from a distance.

"Horror it is then."

"I am not watching a horror movie!"

"Come on Hopie, don't be a baby."

"I am a baby and you can kiss my ass."

The living room is filled with a loud and chaotic debate about what movie we should all watch. I walk absentmindedly into the room and set down the extra blankets in my arms on the couch and then head to the kitchen where Taehyung is still making popcorn and putting it into bowls. I stare at him as thoughts rush into my head. He's not who he says he is. What is that supposed to mean? And why did he smile after? Knowing that information was new to me and he was the first one to deliver it to me?

"Hey, you okay? You look a little flustered," Taehyung's soft voice and comforting hand on my shoulder snaps me out of my stupid thoughts, I nod, my pounding head making me squint my eyes but he doesn't seem to notice. He suddenly stares at me seriously, "did something happen?" He asks quietly and I quickly shake my head, "n-no, I'm fine," I say and he shrugs and we both grab some bags of chips and bowls of popcorn as we bring them over to the living room where all the guys are getting comfortable on and around the couch.

We set the food down on the coffee table as Yoongi turns on the movie they've all chosen, Hoseok looks pretty upset so I'm guessing it's horror. Yoongi takes a sip from a silver can of beer before returning to his spot next to Jimin who's all cuddled up in the blankets, my best friend reaches out his hands and pretends to reach for the popcorn on the coffee table but it's too far away. "Jungkookie, help," he says and I roll my eyes and hand him the bowl and he smiles. "Thanks, babe."

I dim the lights and then return to my spot just at the base of the couch. All the boys are cuddled near each other, but I choose to sit alone. I stare at Taehyung as he pops another handful of popcorn into his mouth and takes a sip from his drink. Are you really not who you say you are?

About an hour into the movie everyone is starting to get comfortable and go quiet as they concentrate on the film. I can't. My thoughts are too jumbled up to the point where I can't process anything. Why do I overthink everything?

I feel my eyes starting to get dreary, as my eyelids start to close, this is what I get from the lack of sleep I've gotten from the last week. I stare over and Taehyung again to see him simply sitting there while watching the movie. I scoot over next to him to the point where our shoulders are touching, as an instinct he lifts his arm up and drapes it over my shoulder. He smiles down at me as I cuddle into his blanket. I turn my head to see Seokjin glaring at me and shaking his head. I look away and bow my head slightly before turning my attention back to the TV.

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