Part 1

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         I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock which was placed on my night stand, successfully making the annoying beeping sound come to an end. I don't need to go, I can just stay home and sleep the day away to forget about everything. Who am I kidding, no way was I going to miss school. Groaning, I sit up in my bed and the cold air hits my bare arms making me shiver. It was always cold in the house, but I liked it that way. Pushing the covers back I got out of bed, slipping on my slippers so that I wouldn't come in contact with the cold wood floors. Walking to the bathroom which was in my room, I turned on the light. I looked in the mirror and let out a sigh. My long blonde hair was in a tangled mess, looking at my face my make up as all smudged from crying last night. My once bright blue eyes are now a dull blue, with no life in them.

          "You're a mess," I whisper to myself as I turn the shower on. I quickly get undressed and jump in. The warm water felt so good on my body, almost numbing. Leaning my head on the shower wall, I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind. 

          Once I was finished in the shower I threw on a cute white dress, a leather belt, and some cute sandals to match. I took the extra time I had to straighten my hair, which made it appear longer since my natural hair had a wave to it. I smiled at my reflection after applying all my make up. It was like nothing ever happened and I was just as happy as ever. Letting out another sigh I grab my bag and head downstairs. I turned on the kitchen light and looked in the fridge for a bottle of water.

          "Guess I will go grocery shopping after school," i say shutting the fridge when I came up empty for a water. I looked around and turned the light off, it was nothing new; being in this huge house by myself these days. I have gotten used to it by now.... I was thrown out of my train of thought when a car horn made me jump. Walking to the front door I walk out and lock it before turning toward the source of the noise. In my driveway was none other than my best friend.

          Jessica Ortega, better known as one of my closest friends since kindergarten. She's been through hell and back with me the last few years. Climbing into the car she greets me with one of her award winning smiles.

          "Morning sunshine," she says making me laugh. Jessica was one of those girls who was beyond gorgeous but just didn't see it. She had that caramel colored skin tone, long black hair, and brown green eyes. Her body was perfect in every way, and her skin was flawless. I don't know a single girl in our school who doesn't want to be in her place. 

          "Do we have to," I complain making her laugh as she pulls out of my driveway and back onto the main road. I lived about ten minutes from the school, so we didn't need to go far.

          "Oh coming from the one who would never risk losing her perfect grade," she teases making me smile at her. She knew how seriously I took school, because I wanted to get into a good college. But she also knew that I loved going because we were both on the volleyball team. Let me rephrase that, I was the captain of the volleyball team and Jessica was co-captain. 

          "I had that dream again last night," I say, well more like whisper playing with my necklace. I can see Jessica look at me out of the corner of my eye with a frown. "It seemed so real, like I was there. But yet, I couldn't do anything to stop it," I say as tears begin to build up in my eyes. By this time we were parked in the school parking lot and Jessica had turned toward me in her seat.

          "They are just dreams Allie, you don't control them.... How about we go after school and hang out at my house?" she says bringing a smile to my face. She knew how much I loved being at her house, because her parents treated me like a second daughter.  "Now let's get this learning thing over with," she says making me laugh as we stepped out of the car. The warm spring air hit me and I smiled, I loved this weather. 

          Royal Heights High School, it holds over 6,000 students making it the largest high school in our town. It was your typical high school, all the same stupid groups of people, all the same boring classes. But normal schools hold a lot of secrets, ones that you wish you could just erase from your memory and forget forever.

          "Look who is looking over here," Jessica points out making my head snap toward a  black Camaro, which belongs to none other that Cameron Huyser.  Him and all his friends were standing there leaning on the car talking as Cameron had his eyes locked on me and the boys were talking with those dumb smirks on their face. Oh, I guess I should explain. Cameron and his friends are the schools heartthrobs, or better known to most people as the bad boys of the town. To me though, I know them as the dumbasses who like to make bets with each other to see who could get the most girls in a school year. The mess they leave behind after means nothing to them, the broken hearts of the countless girls they've hooked up with just to leave is disgusting. I don't know why girls always fall for it, I mean I know they are all good looking and everything but I would never fall for their games.

          "He can look all he wants. Hell would have to freeze over before I even talked to that boy," I say as we make our way to class. It was going to be a long day.....

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