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Melanie yawned as she made her way through the dark streets of the sleeping city she resided in on the surface. She was drained from the trip and activities in the underworld, but not to the same extent that Brendon had experienced. She had enough energy to make it to her small apartment by the shore side.

When she stepped into her apartment, she froze at a whooshing sound that filled the darkness. Her hand instinctively shot down to her pocket to reach into her potion pouch, but a voice made her relax, slightly.

"There is no danger, Melanie."

She let out a sigh, stepping into the room and shutting her door before flicking on the light. "Angels never do knock, do they, Spencer?" She asked, looking at the bearded, suited man standing before her.

Spencer gave her a half smile. "We both know that if I knocked, you would not answer." He responded as Melanie moved across the room. He followed her movement with the tilt of his head.

"Demonic essence, think fast." She said, spinning and tossing the swirling gray filled jar at the angel. "Brendon Urie's at that."

Spencer raised an eyebrow as he caught the jar, examining it in his hands. "Any of the others?"

Melanie shook her head, pushing her palm against her tired eye. "They haven't called upon me, yet. You're running out of time though..." She pulled her hand away from her eye to blink before turning to Spencer, "They've already marked their skin with the symbols of the trinity."

"You're barely relaying this now!?" Spencer asked in a mixture of anger and panic.

"I was barely summoned down there." She snapped, "I like to stay away when I'm not needed."

Spencer shook his head. "You have a deal with your father in heaven-"

"I haven't had a father in heaven since the day I sold my soul for the magic of revenge on the man my father in heaven allowed to kill my fiancé and torture me!" Melanie yelled at the angel, immediately shutting him up.

She bit her lip before speaking in a calmer voice, "I only agreed to work with you to bring his memories of us back, not to completely betray my friends... Brendon is my friend. You're lucky I even gave you some of his essence."

Spencer looked down. "I understand you're torn, but you must consider what would happen if they are successful." He looked up at the ceiling, as if listening to a voice Melanie couldn't hear. "My brothers and sisters aren't ready for that kind of force."

"They've done more for me than the soldier's of heaven." Melanie said, pointing down before she crossed her arms, "Doesn't your father in heaven say bad things happen for a reason?"

Spencer looked back at Melanie with a frown. "It's not my decision." He said, shaking his head. "I am but the humble message man."

"Then tell whoever is in charge that I actually want something done about our deal." Melanie said, feeling anger mixing back into her system. Her anger wasn't necessarily with Spencer, but the creatures he was associated with. He seemed to believe in his father, but it always seemed to be his brothers and sisters pushing him around.

"I can try..." Spencer sighed with a nod, "I'm truthfully sorry for the trials you were put through, but it is always for a reason."

"Just go fight your war with a side you'll loose to." Melanie said, shaking her head at the angel. "Just go..." She plopped herself down on her couch as the whooshing of Spencer's disappearance filled the air. She pushed her palms against her eyes once again with a feeling of regret filling her. "What have I gotten into with this?.."

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