XII || Link's Resolve

Start from the beginning

How could his spirit be so blind as not to see what was in front of him? What had literally been given to him?

Link knew that he couldn't change what happened in the past, but he swore that in this life, he would do anything and everything to repent for the actions of his past lives. And he'd be damned if he let you get away. Again.

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The sun had just begun to set when Link finally arrived in Hyrule Castle Town. The children were being called back into their homes, knights were switching shifts, and the merchants appeared to be wrapping up for the night.

Although there weren't many people on the streets, Link was no apparent stranger. A couple of Castle Town residents immediately took notice of him, pointing and gasping. Far off in the corner, he spotted a couple of girls giggling and calling him over. The hero, ever so humble, felt slightly embarrassed by the attention. He bowed his head slightly to hide his blush. Nonetheless, he decided it would be rude to ignore them, so he smiled and politely waved back.

His first stop was Telma's Bar. Not only was this your last known location, but this was also where members of the Adventurer's Guild often gathered. The best outcome was that you were still there. Link would get to see you tonight, get the chance to apologize, and hopefully make things right. If you weren't there, then optimistically, someone would know where you were headed.

Link hopped off Epona before carefully tying her reigns to a nearby pole. There was no way he'd lead her down the alleyway where the entrance of the bar was located. Not only would it be difficult to navigate those stairs, but it'd also be suffocating.

"I'll try not to be long, okay? I'll take you to a proper station in a bit." Link whispered.

He knew that she must've been tired, and a cobbled street wasn't exactly an ideal place for a horse to rest. But he wasn't planning on being long, really. He just wanted to take a peek inside to see if you were still there. Despite how much he wanted to see you and talk to you, he didn't know how to go about it.

Epona snorted in reply before tossing her head. She knew that her master would uphold his promise to her.

"Thanks." Link smiled before gently patting her strong neck.

With that, he turned around and headed into the alleyway. He made his way down the steps, a sense of nostalgia returning as he did so. He remembered all the times he's been to Telma's Bar during the war against the Twilight. He remembered how happy he was to have finally found Ilia and how devastated when he realized she had lost his memories.

He could only imagine how you must've felt at that moment.

He had been ignorant. Selfish, even. He had been so preoccupied with his own feelings that he didn't even properly thank you for everything you had done to comfort him. You had stayed with him all night, talking to him, consoling him, trying to make him feel better. It wasn't until the sun rose that Link had finally fallen asleep to the sound of your sweet lullaby.

That seemed like such a long time ago. You used to be so close. Now you were so far. He prayed to the Gods that you were doing well, that you were safe and healthy.

Well, this was it.

Link felt awfully nervous as he stood in front of the door. He could hear the usual banter and laughter coming from the other side.

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