Happy new year!

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Slowly the days passed and its New Year's Eve.

The buffet food was being prepared, that meant no pancakes today. I grabbed a bowl and poured some cereal.

I walk over to the couch with cornflakes in one hand, coffee in another, and my phone under my arm pit. Multitasking at its best.

I put my coffee on the table and cuddle up next to Harvey. "Morning!" I say kissing him on the cheek before taking a huge spoonful of cereal.

We watched whatever was on, we chatted and we ate, everyone one else kept getting up one after another.

I decided to stay I'm my pjs for a while as we were having a New Year's Eve party later and I didn't want to ruin my outfit.

I texted the guys to make sure they were still coming, Micheal was leaving cal in Paris as she is visiting family.

Me and Harvey were in charge of decorations and setting everything up, first we listed the long table ready for the buffet, then next we set up the beer pong table.

"You won't be playing that kids!" Brendon walks by and ruffles my hair. I pout.

"I'll spike the apple juice" Harvey whispers and winks at me, I just laugh and go back to screwing in the table legs.

We were all done and dusted. I guess I should get ready I mean it's an hour until everyone arrives.

I picked out a nice coral coloured turtle necked crop top with three quarter length sleeved and a long black ankle skirt with lace over the top.

I got Sarah to do my hair like she did for the dance, this time I added a little Santa hat on top.

I did some winged eyeliner with some pressed glitter, and a bold burgundy lip. I put some black flats on and headed back downstairs.

At this point Brian and John both walked in. We weren't expecting many just my band members, breezy was coming and Harvey's nan and grandad.

Everyone was no here and we finally got the party started.

I busted out the wii and put some just dance on, I mean me and Harvey are great at signing but our dancing, man, we should be on strictly come dancing, were pros.

We were showing everyone up, we even did the dirty dancing lift at the end, I'm suprised Harvey can actually hold me up for that long.

Brendon being the little annoying dad took so many photos. I cringe.

We also played some Mario kart because we are 5 again. It was great everyone was chatting and eating but then..

"Right guys it's time for the annual Lockett New Years compertiton!" Caitlin walked in screaming.

These people make everything a competition.

First we started out with a quiz, the teams went:

Me, Bren, Dallon, Sarah, breezy,Micheal and Brian
Harvey,Caitlin, Ben,Carl,John, nana and grandad Lockett.

I squinted at Harvey and he squinted back, we both had our game face on.

The quiz was fairly easy, of course it was seven v six and Caitlin made the quiz up but it wasn't really that unfair.

Sadly we drew so we both got points, but next was beer pong and Brendon was a champ at this.

We went over to the ping pong table and filled up all the glasses, two with apple juice. Shh it's beer.

I rubbed Brendon shoulders to get him pumped. "You can do this man wooo!" I screamed as he walked up to the table.

I tired to say it in a manly voice but it sounded really creepy. I'll stop now.

Just gonna say this in a non gloaty way, but we totally dominated the table. So it's 2-1 to us.

Next was table tennis which I have some skill in, I mean we have a team at school and we've never lost a match.

But of course they put me against Harvey, it was a very close game but of course I won, I cupped my hands together and shook them in the air.

My team picked me up and threw me in the air, the next activity was speed eating contests.

I sat out for this one, I felt sick enough just watching, I mean I should eat but that's not important we have to win.

And again it was a draw, everyone kept finishing at literally the same time.

We concluded the Lockett New Years competition and we were the victors, we had out picture taken to put on the 'wall of fame'. My team picked me up and I was in the middle. It was actually quite a cute photo.

We all sat round the fire again, some people were chatting, others were playing and I realised that Micheal was not here.

I searched all around the house looking for him until I heard a noise come from the roof.

I opened up the window from the roof top bedroom and heard Micheal talking to someone.

"Yeah it's been a hell of a night, I just miss you I mean it's only been a day and you'll be back in a week, but it kills me not to see you everyday, your beautiful smile and your gorgeous hair, not to mention the fact that you keep me alive everyday."

Of course it's cal. I felt a single tear come to my eye. These two have been through so much together that it must be heart breaking not to see each other for a while.

I'm lucky I get to see Harvey everyday at school, or I can easily go round to his house, but when someone is the other end of the world. It's tough.

I heard him come walk over and before I could quickly hide he already spotted me.

"Hey Darc needed some air too?" He said putting out his hand to pull me onto the roof. As soon as I'm in the roof I hug him, tightly.

"Please for the love of god do us all a favour and put a ring on that women!" I say pulling away from the hug.

He laughs and exclaims "Darc were 24 but I promise you I see no other women in my future." He pats my back and we got back down to everyone else.

"Aaaahh Darcy just in time were two minutes away from midnight." Brendon says pulling my arm towards the tv.

We patiently waited for the clock to turn, only a couple more seconds.

"Happy new year!!" We all screamed at each other In unison, Harvey ran up to me and kissed me before any other words could escape my mouth.

I savoured that moment, and so did Brendon with a photo. I punched him on the arm as he ran away.

We all sat outside wrapped in blankets and jackets, watching the beautiful fireworks in the sky. I sat on Harvey's lap with a blanket wrapped around me.

"Happy new year Darcy."

New year new you bullshit right? School soon yay.. Well I guess it's good as that mean graduation soon.

I wish it was Christmas irl, sadly it's not even October yet.

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